Chapter 23-Christmas Day

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Slight smut..If you can call it that. It really isn't anything much but I'm still putting a warning for those who may not be comfortable with it. I'll put some of ****** this before so you'll know where to skip from. It won't affect the story if you skip it. 

You woke up super early to prepare your day with Kento. By the time he reached downstairs you were in a cute little outfit having late coffee as you used your time to cook both breakfast and lunch and set the table for breakfast. You saw him coming towards you so you poured him his coffee and held it out to him with a "Good Morning Babe"

He took it from your hands, placing a kiss on your cheek. "Good morning love" he said and then took a seat at the table.

"Merry Christmas btw." you said as you walked over to him to place a kiss on his temple.

Before you could go back to your chair, he pulled you down on his lap.

"Merry Christmas gorgeous." He said before he pressed his lips to yours into one sweet kiss that you immediately melt into.

When you both pulled away his hand went up to your face as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. While looking into your eyes he whispered, "You're so beautiful Y/N." before pulling you into one more kiss.

He then kissed your nose and your forehead before letting you go back to your seat. Neither of you wanted to sit apart from each other now but you must finish your coffee and breakfast to get the day started.

You both had a great breakfast and then headed to the living room for presents and a Christmas movie.

You both bought each other so many presents really surprising one another.

You had a great Christmas lunch and then for the rest of the afternoon you both took a walk out in the snow, cuddled inside under a blanket, had hot chocolate and watched more movies. At some point you even played games. Coming close to the evening you both had dinner and moved to the room where you had the grand piano you recently bought.

"May I" Nanami asked.

"You play? I bought this over a week ago, how have you not mentioned it?" you asked surprised.

"Yea, I learnt when I was younger and stopped at age 20 because I got too busy." he said

He took a seat while you leaned over the piano.

Kento placed his hands at the keys and lets his fingers gracefully flow as the beautiful music blessed your ears.

The way he looked while he plays, the way his hands moved it was all too beautiful to you. He looked so at peace and content. You just took it was in while smiling. You've noticed in parts where you assumed was his favourite parts, he closed his eyes and just felt the music. It warmed your heart so much.

When he finished you gave a big grin with a clap. He couldn't help but blush at your reactions.

As he was about to get up you stopped him.

"Can I request a song?" you asked him.

You can play but you wanted him to play some more.

"Off course, anything for my angel." he smiled.

He started to play the song of your choice, when you joined in with your voice.

His eyes widened but he didn't stop playing. He didn't want to stop, he wished he could keep hearing you forever. As he played and you sang, he kept eye contact with you, looking at you with pure love and adoration.

When the song finished, he got up and was now holding your chin with one hand while the other supported your lower back.

"Sooo, we've been going out for a few months now, why didn't you ever sing in front of me before or at least tell me you can sing so well?" he asked gazing into your eyes.

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