Chapter 17-Good Morning

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You awoke the next morning to find Kento isn't next to you, then you remembered he's an early bird and he's probably just having breakfast right now. You sat at the edge of the bed before getting up to go washroom and brush teeth.

You laughed to yourself. "He really did a number on me didn't he" you said to yourself feeling the soreness between your legs.

You got up and made your way to the bathroom, holding onto anything in your way for help to walk as your legs were a bit wobbly from last night activities.

You brushed your teeth, peed and made your way downstairs for some breakfast and coffee before taking a bath.

As you took you time walking to the kitchen you locked eyes with Kento, who was taking some stuff out of a bag.

"Good morning beautiful." he said with a warm smile.

"Morning Love" you said smiling back at him.

"I wanted to make breakfast but I don't know my way around your kitchen just yet, so I ordered us some breakfast and coffee, I was going to wake you after I set the table so you'd have the coffee hot." he said taking out the last item and discarding the bag it was delivered in.

"That's perfect actually." you said looking at the amazing breakfast set up.

"You look like a baby deer, need some help to the table?" he said with a laugh.

You couldn't help but laugh too, yet you still stuck your tongue out at him and said "You did this to me, but I'm fine."

You walked to the table and sat down and now able to look at him properly. You laughed causing him to look at you.

"Hmm?" he hummed at you questioningly.

"Have you seen your skin?" you asked seeing him still only in his boxers. Seems like he had the same idea as you, coffee and eat first and shower after.

He looked down at himself. "I'm guessing you haven't seen yourself, you have it worse than me."

With widened eyes you now looked down to yourself pulling your top to look down your body seeing how much it had, then remembering there are probably more on your neck and back.

"I'm sorry darling, you were just too delicious, it was hard to hold back." he said with a slight smug smile.

You laughed. "It's fine, I work from home anyways so no one would see me, but some of yours are quite far up, do you want me help you hide them with make up?"

"Maybe, I'll see how it looks in my work clothes." He said taking a sip of coffee.

You both chatted and finished breakfast and decided to go take a bath.

"Go first Y/N, I'll clean up our breakfast mess by the time."

You walked up behind him as he turned to wash the dishes and put your arms around him.

"How about you join me instead, I'll accept your help now since my body is sooo weak at the moment." You said playfully.

He chuckled and turned around you now looking up at him. He cupped your face and planted a sweet kiss on your forehead and then your lips. "I can't refuse my girl" he said as he picked you up bridal style. You giggled and happily threw your hands around his strong neck.

"So, are we doing today?" he asked while carrying you.

"Hmm well, we can stay in, I'll cook us some lunch, and maybe if you're ready, a story or two about your work adventures and then the movie marathon?" you said looking up at him.

"How about WE cook lunch together?" he asked

"Ooo sounds better, and well we can order dinner, as a relaxing lazy evening sounds kinda nice before diving into work." you said leaning against his chest.

You finally reached the bathroom and he put you down.

"Y/N, it sounds like you forgot I have to go home this evening, I have work tomorrow and have to prepare my work clothes and food for the day." he said looking at you.

"Awh" you pouted "I wish you could've stayed."

"I know darling, but we'll spend every day I have free together if you are free as well. I do love every moment spent with you." He said as he cupped your face with both hands and placed a kiss on your lips.

You both undressed and got in the shower together. With his hand on the shower knob, you asked.

"Will you be free every weekend or was that just this week?" you asked.

"As far as I know I am free every weekend, but it can change, with notice off course." he said as he turned on the shower.

"Then will you spend the night every weekend here?" you asked looking up at him, getting water in your eyes. When you closed your eyes to the water, you felt his hand reach your face and his thumb gently wiping your eyes while the other moves strands of hair from your face.

"I'll be happy to, my love." he said placing a sweeting longing kiss on your lips.  

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