Chapter 9-The Phone Call

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When you sat in the car, he closed your door and was about to sit in the driver's seat when his phone rang. "One minute" he said as he stood outside and took his phone call.

When he was done, he sat in the car looking a bit down.

"Is something the matter?" you asked concerned

"Ah, it's just work getting on my nerves." he said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood he just accidentally created.

You decided not to pry further since it's work related and just let it go.

You 2 had a nice casual conversation on the way home, and when you reached, he walked you to your door. For some reason it looked like he had something to say but you didn't want to mention it to push him.

As you both stood in front your door, he lifted your hand to his lips and he slightly bend down so your hand won't be awkwardly lifted too high. And he kissed the back of your hand.

"Thank you for the wonderful date Y/N." he said as he gently put you hand down. You couldn't hide that smile even if you wanted to.

He looked like he was about to say something when you spoke first. "Hey Nanami-san there's something in your hair, come let me get it for you."

When he bent down for you to reach it you kissed him on his cheek. And you both immediately blush.

"Thank you for spending the evening with me too...and I'm sorry I lied about your hair, you're so tall, it was the only thing I thought of in the moment." you said with a shy but slight guilty smile.

"I'm still in the process of unpacking and dealing with furniture and appliances but would you like to come in for the tea this time?" you asked.

"I'm sorry to refuse again, I was trying to figure out in my head how to tell you so I said I'll say it before I leave here." he said with a guilty look.

"What is it?" you asked.

"The call I got outside the restaurant was from my job and I have to go on a business trip in 3 hours, which only leaves me 60minutes to pack before I leave for the airport and I will be gone for about a month."

Silence while you listened and he paused.

"Well, technically I would be back in Japan for 2 days after the first 2 weeks and then I fly back out for another 2 weeks but I can't guarantee I'll get a chance to see you within those 2's really unexpected but they said it was necessary...I'm sorry I expect you to be ok with this when I haven't even told you what I do for a living...I.."

You cut him off. "Nanami-san"

He just looked at you expecting the worse,

"You don't have to explain to me just because you think I'll have a problem accepting your trip for your undisclosed job because it seems like you're still hesitant to talk about your job. I want you ask you a question before I proceed to say what's on my mind."

"Sure" he said, still fearing the worst.

"Do you have strong feelings for me? I mean, are we getting to know each other with the goal of a relationship in mind?" you asked seriously.

He was a bit taken aback by the bluntness of the question but he answered with confidence.

"Yes" he said awaiting your next set of words.

After hearing his answer, you took a step closer to him, held his tie pulling him down to you while you still tiptoed making your lips reach his in a short, but sweet kiss, your first kiss with him.
You released his tie and stepped back to the distance you were before. Your face was serious but your red cheeks still prominent from your bold move.

You immediately looked up to him and saw he was surprised and blushing hard.

Then you continued to talk

"Have a safe trip and text me when you land so I know you're safe."

He was surprised and speechless when you continued.

"I know we're still getting to know each other but I've never connected with someone so easily and quickly before so I trust that, also I'm fairly confident you'll still communicate with me whenever you get the chance and that's good enough for me, we're both adults and have responsibilities so that can't be helped. Also, as we're moving towards a relationship, so at some point you'll be comfortable telling me about everything in your life, I don't want you to force it. Come to me when you're ready and I'll be here with a listening ear and an open mind." You said taking in this new expression on his face.

"Oh, and one last thing, when you get back from the entire month trip, I officially invite you to a mini house warning." you giggled "I wanted to invite you over properly when I get the house set fully but it looks like you're giving me more time to prepare." you said with a small laugh.

All this while he was just looking at you, expressions changing from worried, to surprised, to adoration.

When you finished talking you both looked at each other for a few seconds before his hand reached around your waist and pulling you towards him in a meeting of the lips, all in one swift movement.

You were caught off-guard but you quickly relaxed kissing back reaching your arms around his neck.

His lips were so soft and gentle. You felt as though you can feel his emotions through this kiss, it was breath-taking.

One of you hand mindlessly reached into his hair, as soon and he felt that he deepened the kiss sending your mind into pure bliss.

Then you both pulled away (the need for oxygen and all that) looking at each other.

"You sure you can't make it in for some of that tea?" you dizzily joked/teased.

"I really wish I could." he said teasing just the same.

"I couldn't help myself, after hearing what you said just made me fall for you even more, how can you be so perfect Y/N?" he asked with a sweet smile.

"And yes, I will contact you whenever I can, but we aren't texting anymore, only calls from now on. You've just gone and got me hooked on you Y/N. You truly are one of a kind and I'm glad I'm the one who gets to experience how amazing you are." she said as pressed his lips to your forehead.

"We may not be physically together for a while but I want to keep the pace we're going at so by the time I'm back, we would know almost all there is to know about each other."

"I'd like that." you smile up at him.

"I'm sorry, but I must leave now." he said apologetically.

"I know, be safe." you said with a sweet smile.

He stepped closer to you and held your chin up as his pressed his lips to yours for one last sweet kiss before he leaves, making you melt all over again.

When he pulls away your lips already feels lonely, little did you know he had the same feeling.

"Bye Y/N"

"Bye Nanami-san"

You both waved to each other one last time before he got in his car. He honked his car horn as he drove off as if he's saying 'bye' again. 

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