Chapter 3-Just a Little Crush

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*Back to the present*

"Hey Y/N" called your cousin snapping you out of your thoughts.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" asked Brie.

"Whaa aa umm what are y-you talking about?" you ask her while trying to fake a causal smile and looking away.

Brie, your cousin was graduating this coming week which means your time working here will come to an end and she'll take over. You were both happy and sad, because you built little friendships with some regulars, mostly elders but the small talk is always light and nice and you were going to miss that, but you were glad because you can now give your passion you full attention again. You were an author and wrote quite a number of books, a few of which were best sellers making you quite wealthy.

You knew your time at the bakery was coming to an end so you bought a house to comfortably work on new novels. Only yesterday you finalized the last of the papers so you're now officially a home owner at 26.

You only rented because it was close to work and convenient. But now that you're going to have more time to work at home and would need to cook for yourself more, you decided a house would be most comfortable.

"You can't hide it Y/N, you've been eyeing him for a very long while"

"I just look at him just like every other customer" you said failing to sound convincing.

Brie playfully slaps your arm.

"Liar, you can almost see the hearts coming out of your eyes when you look at him, you think no one notices but I work alongside you very often, off course I'd notice you eyeballing someone like you wanna make them your last meal." Brie said giggling at the last part.

*sigh* "fine you caught me, it's just a silly little crush, besides I'm afraid of the embarrassment that comes with rejection." you said in a low voice.

"Well, my dear Y/N, you have about 7 days left working here and he only comes by 3-4 times a week, the next time you see him, ask him out, if he rejects you then chances are when you leave you won't see him again which will save you the embarrassment and pain of having to see him after" said Brie with her arms folded and a smug smile feeling pretty proud of her idea.

"hmmm but wait if he comes 3-4 times a week and I have 7 days here left, why would I do it the next time I see him I risk facing him2-3 times after rejection" you pouted.

"Y/N stop taking like rejection is the only thing that could happen if you ask him out, he could actually be interested, you're so gorgeous and have men fawning over you all the time, do you not notice? Anyways I said next time because once you open your mouth to talk knowing you, you'd chicken out so I wanted you to start trying from early so you'd have that 3-4 chances. And hopefully each time you get braver and finally do it." said Brie with her hand on your shoulder.

Your eyes slightly widen in shock to how much she thought this through.

"You know what, you're right. I'll do it, life is short, and since I'm leaving here, it won't hurt to get my feelings out, and even if I do get rejected at least I would've been honest with my feelings which would maybe help me get over this little crush. Thank you, Brie, you're most definitely my favorite cousin and if I'm being honest, the best friend I ever had." You said as you smiled wide and hugged her.

"That crush is anything but little, but you're welcome Y/N, you've been such an angel to my family, I'm so grateful to you and want to see you find your ultimate happiness." she said as she squeezed you gently in the hug.

"Plus, it's nice that your happiness could come is such a tall and handsome package" she said as she winked at you.

You couldn't help but blush at her words.

"Also Y/N, you're the best friend I've ever had too, I was never able to confide in and bond with people at school like I do with you, even though we're cousins, in my head you're the big sister I've always wanted" Brie said as she shyly smiled.

You looked at her with puppy dog eyes, ready to cry at her sweet words, because the fact is, you felt the same. You have no siblings and never grew close enough to anyone when you went to school to have a best friend now. You felt lonely many times but never realized how much happier and more free your mind became since you both got closer over the years.

You couldn't help but hug her again letting a few small tears fall as she did as well.

You're both glad the store was empty at the time so ya'll could comfortably have your sister moment. 

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