Chapter 20-Closer

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He laid there telling you about facing three grade 1 curses with one other grade 1 sorcerer. So, it was a 2 against one. They were out ranked by power but they still managed to win. He told you all about his power and about his black flash record but how he can't manage domain expansion.

You were so engrossed in his stories and how amazing and powerful the man you had on your lap is, that you got so lost in his stories not noticing how much time has passed.

"And that's how that mission went." he ended this story.

"I think that's more than enough for now, it's probably so boring for you." he said eyes closed still enjoying you hand in his hair.

"Are you kidding, that sounds exciting af. At first, I got worried for your safety but then hearing how powerful you are made me feel better about it."

"I can't believe I have this big, strong, powerful man on my lap and he's all mine." you said still hyped up from his exciting stories.

He laughed at your child-like excitement.

"Off all the reactions to my job I could have imagined, this definitely wasn't one of them. You have a way of putting me at ease with things that could have otherwise been difficult to talk about." He said smiling up at you.

You couldn't help yourself, you bent down and kissed his inviting lips, not wanting to pull away but had to for air.

"As much as I'm enjoying you my love, we need to order dinner soon, so what are you in the mood for?" you asked.

"How about Korean BBQ?" he said still thinking.

"Sounds really good actually." you said.

"Ok then let's get that" he said getting up from your lap.

You both had a quiet evening eating and chatting until he had to go home.

You continued like this for about two months with him coming over on the weekend, or you going over by him or you went out but still spending time together on the weekend, but you noticed he was looking more and more tired.

You figured, that it was challenging for him to work, come home, cook, clean, do food and household shopping and then spend his weekend full of activities with you. You decided to take a huge step and ask him something.

"Ken?" you called out to him as he was about to join you in bed to sleep.

"Yes love?" he responded sitting beside you in bed.

"I know you said work has been a bit more challenging these days with longer hours too, I've been thinking it must be very difficult to manage that and your home life. And then I suck up so much of your energy on weekends because I get over excited to spend time with you. I was wondering if you'd maybe like to move in with me? Since I work from home and cook anyways, you won't have to make time to cook during the week when you're already so tired and I can take care of you." you said not making eye contact afraid of what he might say.

"I don't know Y/N, you still have your work, I'd hate to invade your space just to give you more work just for my sake." he said.

"No, that's not what it'll be like, I have to cook, clean and take care of this place anyways and I still get my work done because when I enter my writing zone, I get so much done. It really doesn't keep me back. Also, I've gotten so attached to you that sleeping without you by my side feels so lonely, I twist and turn for hours trying to fall asleep, but when you're here, sleep takes me so easily."

"I'd love to start and end my day with you every day, and admittedly I hate leaving on Sunday evenings after spending whole weekend with you. I just miss you so much. But as the job difficult has increased and the longer hours, I do come home with blood-soaked clothes sometimes, not my blood ofc but still. I'm thinking that isn't a site you should be seeing." he said.

"I'm fine with it in all honesty. Besides you'd reach your goal of buying a house in the country faster if you no longer have rent to pay. I know as a man you'd still want your own house, and we can live anywhere you want to live and use the other house as a vacation home. I'd go anywhere with you if that's what you want. My point is, I see a future with you, and I want to take care of you and just live happily with you." you said shyly.

He paused for a moment.

"If you put it like that, then I'll do it. I'll move in with you." he said.

You looked at him shocked and happy, jumping on him with a hug.

"Thank you, thank you." you said peppering him with kisses.

He chuckled. "I should be thanking you; I get to see this beautiful face every day." he said holding your face with both his hands so he can look into your eyes before bringing you closer to him to join lips.  

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