Chapter 13-Y/N I Need To Tell You Something

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He stood up facing you.


"Y/N" he said seriously.

"Hmm?" You stood in front of him waiting for him to speak.

"I am going to tell you something, I don't know if you maybe want to take a seat."

"I'm sure I'll be fine, shoot." you said for him to continue.

"Ok well, I'll start off with a confession." he paused.

"Since the first day I walked in the bakery, I found myself drawn to you, I caught myself staring for too long and that's how I knew....well that and the fact I didn't even get what I came in for, you were busy looking down so you didn't notice much to my relief. I've tried to forget you and see you as just a person because I wanted to be so focused on my work and my goals. You never came off my mind, but I kept rejection my feelings due to past relationships being a waste and the chance of a woman as beautiful as you being single or even interested in me was slim. That's why it took your push to get me to ask you out. It was the best decision I've ever made because admittedly, I have fallen deeply in love with you in this time. So, with that being said I want to be 100% honest with you. Yes, I did get those scars from my job, but that was before my skill level upgraded. My job description is something called Jujutsu Sorcerer. Jujutsu sorcerers are people who possess a special set of skills and work together in secret to exorcise things called curses, and well they tend to fight back, hence the scars. It's not easy to tell people those things so that's why I was so hesitant to tell you about it." he said waiting for you to process it and respond.

"Ok....well I have a small confession to make as well based on the first thing you said. I also found myself drawn to you that first day you stepped in the bakery too. The reason I was looking down is because I had to remind myself to breathe." you said with a little chuckle. "I also tried to forget you because you don't seem like the type of person to like someone like me, you probably get hit on all the time by solid 10s so I thought I didn't stand a chance and would just embarrass myself. But I decided in my last week to at least give it a try since I won't be working there anymore." you paused. "I also have fallen in love with you deeply, I've never felt this way about anyone before, you sure are something special...Lastly about your job, it sounds interesting, if you're comfortable with it, I'd like if you tell me some exciting stories about it" you finished with a smile.

He stood there in disbelief.

"You're not thinking I'm making it up, or that I'm a crazy medium or something?" he asked still shocked.

"Nope because 1, you don't have any reason to lie to me, 2, it was hard for you to come out with it which made me believe every word and 3, I felt your scars, and they felt very real to me, so in reality, I have no reason to doubt you." You said to him.

He looked so taken aback by your response.

"Y/N? We've never really made ourselves official, so I'd like to ask now. Would you be my girlfriend?"

You look at him with such happiness in your eyes. "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." you said.

The moment you finished speaking he grabbed you by your waist pulling you closer to him and pressed his lips to yours. His other hand cupping your cheek.

Your hand rested on his chest and stomach at first reminding you he's still shirtless. Then your hand moved up around his neck when he pulled away to say, "By the way, you're the only 10 I've seen in my life" he said in a low sexy grumble right before he reclaimed your lips and immediately deepened the kiss. He licked your bottom lip and you gladly granted entrance. You both stood there in each other's arms exploring each other's mouth, getting drunk off the taste.

Then he pulled away. Both of you breathless.

He placed one more peck on you before going to get his shirt to puck back on.

"I'm sorry I took it so far, I almost forgot we had a full day planned." he said with his back facing you as he put on back his shirt.

"No, it was fine." you said awkwardly.

You clear you throat, "Well I'll be in the kitchen, you can meet me when your done putting on your shirt."

'She makes me want her so bad, but what if she's not ready? I don't want her to feel pressured by me. I hope she doesn't think negatively of me right now.' were the thoughts going through Nanami's head.

While in the kitchen you were getting out the cupcakes because that's the one thing we didn't eat yet.

He walked in and as soon as he did, you offered him cupcakes. He took one and ate it and complemented you on how delicious it was.

It was now about 2pm because you took a while with his massage.

"How does your back and shoulder feel now?" you asked genuinely concerned.

"Honestly, it feels so much better. You have some magic hands, it's hard to believe you only did that for 3 months." he said.

"Thank you, I'm glad I was of some help to you." you said with a smile.

"So, what was the plan today?" he asked.

"Well, it was lunch first, which is finished so next is video games, dinner and then a horror movie marathon." you said excitedly.

"Ah the perfect relaxation day, I love it. Let's get started." he said.

You both played video games until it was about 4pm and decided to order sushi for dinner. So, while waiting for the order you both sat in the kitchen just talking and enjoying each other's company. In about a 40minutes the sushi was delivered and you both ate.

"So ready for the horror movie marathon." Nanami asked with a smile.

......... you paused.

"Since you don't have work tomorrow and we're official now, would you stay over tonight? I love horror movies but sometimes, the ones based on a true story get to me," you said looking down.

"I'd love to stay and take care of my girl" he said pressing a kiss to your forehead.

Hearing him call you his girl made you blush.

"Thank you, do you want to pass home and get some clothes since you're staying here all day tomorrow too? I'll prep movie snack while I wait for you to get back." you said.

"Ok I'll do that"  

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