Chapter 4-Trying

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Turns out Brie was right and you chickened out the moment you opened your mouth and he already came by 3 times.

It was your last day on the job and your mood was gloomy af, mentally kicking yourself and knowing you're gonna regret not trying at least.

Then in he walks, it was 7:30pm. He usually comes in between 6:30 and 7:30 pm.

'Thank you, thank you!' you said in your head.

'Ok Y/N, you have to do this, at least get some words out this time, it's your last chance bish, suck it up and just do it already.' you thought mentally giving yourself a shitty pep talk that actually worked.......kinda.

When you gave him his bag and the usual *Thank you, enjoy your day* he was about to walk out when you tried to call out to him.

You thanked the heavens that the store had nobody else so you won't have to face a public embarrassment

"E-eexcuse me"

"hmm" he hummed as he turned around with a questioning look.

You suddenly couldn't say another word, so it was just silence while you both looked at each other until he spoke up.

"Yes? Did I forget something?" he asked

'OMFG' your mind wants to explode because you just realized this is the first time you ever heard his voice and fucckkk it is the sexiest sound you ever heard, you thought mentally flipping out but still managed not to show it.

"Umm, no s-sorry, I-I just, wanted to a-ask if y-you.."

'Fuck Y/N can't you get a sentence out without fucking stuttering? Girl you look like a clown, it's best you tap out, you tried and that's good enough' you thought to yourself angrily and defeated.

You paused

"Sorry" you managed to say, with a disappointed smile. "It's nothing, sorry to have bothered you." you say giving a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of your head.

'Damn I could say that without stuttering, but not the words I really wanted to' You thought as you mentally kicked yourself.

"Oh *pause* Ok then" was all he said as he turned back around to head out the door and you just hung your head in defeat and turned around get the cloth to wipe the counter as you do when you're bored or need a distraction.

"Umm" a voice called out behind you causing you to turn back around.

You saw that he didn't leave yet, his hand was on the door still but faced you.

"Y-yes?" you responded.

"What time do you get off work?" he asked, a hint of shyness in his voice.

"Umm, at 8:00pm today since it's my last day." You ended with a slight nervous chuckle, realizing you didn't think, you just answered, and let out more information than what was asked.

"Then would you mind if I waited for you at the end of your shift to treat you to a cup of coffee, seeing as it's your last day an all?" he said, and you saw a tiny smile appeared on his lips as he said the last part.

'WTF did he just ask me out? And that smile, is he trying to give me a heart attack?!?' you mentally freak out.

On the outside you hurry up and opened you mouth to talk, nothing wanting to have a long silence give the wrong impression.

"I would like that very much." you managed to say in a calm tone. You surprised yourself by how calm you were able to respond.

You smiled back at him.

"Then I'll see you then" was the last thing he said as he exited the store.

You couldn't stop smiling. "He actually wants to go out with me? What? How?....let me stop questioning this blessing and just be happy." you said to yourself as it was you alone in the shop. Then you let out a little happy squeal then composed yourself excited for 8:00pm.

NOTE: the bakery usually closes 10pm but the new store manager (Brie) let you close up early as its your last day.

Boy you could bear-hug her right now, for her advice and for telling you lock up early, so you have a shorter wait for your little coffee date. 

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