Chapter 25-Healing

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The first word out of his mouth as he woke up was your name. After hearing that you immediately held his hand.

"I'm right here darling." you said softly, tears threatening to fall as you were so happy, he woke up.

He squeezed your hand slightly and turned his head towards you opening his eyes fully.

"I'm sorry love." he weakly said.

You caressed his face with your free hand.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." you said to him.

"Just rest and get better." you said as you pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Nanaminnnnnnn" an annoying voice called out.
You swore you saw a vein bulge on his forehead for a second there.

"So, is this any way to have me and your little beauty here meet?" Gojo teased as he threw his arm around your shoulder.

Nanami saw this and tried to get up immediately and was shocked with the pain in his side but pushed through sitting up causing his wounds to open up. You moved away from Gojo and tried to get Nanami to lie back down as his fresh bandages was now turning red.

Gojo threw his hand up and face turned serious.

"I'm sorry friend, I was just teasing, I didn't mean for you to take it so serious." Gojo said apologetically.

Kento loved his friend, but he easily gets girls and played with them how he wishes. He didn't want you to be a victim of it.

One of his ex-girlfriends met Gojo and immediately fell for his charms.

Gojo is unaware of this but Nanami knew, while he trusts you, he still has this fear and would hate to lose the person he loves the most this way.

He knew it was childish and ridiculous, but the experience with that girl instilled this fear in him, this stupid insecurity.

He knew his friend would never purposely hurt him, and he knew you won't either it was just an irrational fear caused by past trauma.

"Please rest Ken" you said gently pushing him by his shoulders down to lie down again, as a tear fell from your eyes seeing him in pain and seeing him bleed again.

He noticed and his expression softened immediately.

"I'm sorry I got worked up, I didn't mean to make you cry...Please..I'm sorry love." he said softly and he reached up and wiped the tear from your eye with a soft swipe of his thumb.

"Can you have a seat right there, L/N-san, so I can patch him up and change his bandages." said Ieiri-san

You hesitantly left his side and watched as he was taken care of.

"It's a good one you got here." Gojo said when he spoke up again.

"When she came in, all she could've seen was you even though Ieiri-san and I were in the room as well. Even after introductions and we were chatting with her, she kept glancing at you. She could barely keep eye contact with us, and now she shed a tear because you hurt yourself. She's definitely a keeper and very much in love with you and only you. Take care of yourself for her sake if not for yours." Gojo said on the other side of the bed helping Ieiri-san wrap fresh bandages.

"He's right, when we came to get you, she was covered in blood, dried tears and fresh tears. Her voice shook as well as her whole body. I'm surprised she was able to make the phone call as well as carry out the actions I instructed. She really is something special." Ieiri-san said.

You blushed deeply hearing their praise and them noticing how much you care for him.

You glanced up at Kento only to see him looking at you with a red face as well.

"Thank you, Y/N, I'm sorry to put you through this." he said softly.

"No, no, you're the injured one here, you have nothing to be sorry about, I'm just happy I could help in some way. I will take care of you no matter what, you have nothing to be sorry about." You smiled as you got up and walked over to him.

They were finished taking care of him and used the remote at the side to raise the bed up a bit so he can easily rest and chat without straining his eyes and body.

"Nanami, tell me this. Why did you go home instead of straight here? You would've gotten taken care of immediately." asked Gojo.

"I honestly don't know; my memories are a blur. All I can remember is that I thought I was going to die and my head was filled with Y/N, I wanted to see her face one last time, hear her voice, her laugh, her scent, her touch, just everything about her was on my mind and her name was constantly on my lips. I didn't care about myself in that moment, just her, so I guess my subconscious took me there." he said closing his eyes to avoid eye contact with anyone.

But his red face was expressive enough.

You couldn't help the tears than fell from your eyes.

You caressed his cheek which caused him to open his eyes.

"I love you Nanami Kento." you said tears still streaming down your face.

"I love you too L/N F/N" he said wiping away you tears.

"Well, I think it's about time Ieiri-san and I head out, it was definitely sweet how much you both showed your love to each other without words, I don't need my sweets fill for today after that." Gojo laughed as he and Ieiri-san left the room.

When they left you peppered Kento's face with kisses, from his forehead straight down to his chin. And then leaned your forehead against his.

"I love you Kento, and you have nothing to be sorry about, I'm aware of the type of job you have, so I understand. Just get well soon." you said before pressing a quick peck on his lips.

You stood up about to walk back to your chair when he held onto your hand.

"I love you too Y/N, Thank you for loving me so thoroughly, I hope I can show you the same kind of love at some point." he said.

"You already did when you came directly into my arms when you thought you were going to die. I've never experienced being loved that much before, thank you for coming into my life." you said softly.

You spent most of the 3 days there with him, only going home to bathe. You bought food nearby for those 3 days until you could've taken him home.

When you took him home, you took care of him, helping him bathe so you can go over his wounds carefully, and putting his healing cream and fresh bandages. You took on no new work while you spent your month taking care of him. Many times, he insisted of doing things from himself, which you only allowed little by little because you know he must be frustrated but needs to rest too.

When the 2nd month came up he already started back working out as his wound have been healed for over a week, just minor pain and the scar to see about now. The scratch on his shoulder scar was already more than 80% gone already. You told him to keep resting but he insisted on working out.

He says being out for a month was torture and he needs to get back strong.

You must admit, you loved watching him work out when he decides to do it at home. Seeing the sweat glisten on his toned body can make you practically drool.

You used those 2 months getting even closer to each other, spending time together, going on many dates. The last week you even took a mini trip to a nearby island.

It was all so beautiful. And he was back to 99% health.

On your last day on the island, you both decided on dinner on the beach. A perfect ending to a perfect vacation with the perfect man.

You both agreed on getting a little extra dressed up since it's the last night on the island and the 2nd to last day of Nanami's time off. In fact, dressing up was his idea. 

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