Chapter 6-The Date

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It doesn't feel like a lot of time have passed when you turned to see Nanami walking towards you with both hands full, one with the drink tray and the other with the desserts try.

You immediately got up to go help him free up at least one hand. You walked up to him and took the drink holder with the drinks and walked back to the table before he had a chance to reject your offer. As he reached and set down the dessert tray he spoke up.

"You didn't have to do that; I was managing well."

"I'm sure you were, you look anything but weak, I just wanted to help; I don't like sitting being useless." you said with a small chuckle.

"I doubt you are, and It's fine to let me bring it to you as I offered after all, but regardless, thank you for the help." he said with a smile.

'My gosh, I'll never get tired of seeing him smile.' you thought secretly swooning in your head.

"My pleasure." you responded.

He placed your coffee in front of you as you thanked him and then you noticed the sweets tray. It was full of many different desserts. It was two of the same layouts, both in a cutesy box that he took out from the tray and placed one in front of my and the other in front of himself. There were 12 different desserts in each box.

"This is the Sweet Surprise Special, where they put an array of different sweets yet they pair so well together and if you're worried about the amount of sweetness, the taste is actually surprising and balances with the other ingredients to taste ...

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"This is the Sweet Surprise Special, where they put an array of different sweets yet they pair so well together and if you're worried about the amount of sweetness, the taste is actually surprising and balances with the other ingredients to taste good without being over sweet."

"Wow that sounds amazing, and the fact you got the exact same thing for both of us makes me even more excited to try then since they must be that good. My only concern is that I may not be able to finish them all." you said.

"Don't worry the box comes with a lid, the box is actually in the lid, all u have to do is lift the box up to separate them and use the lid to cover the box to take home."

"Oh that's really convenient, I like this place much more already."

Nanami let out a small chuckle.

"I'm glad you do; I hope you enjoy the sweets as much as I do." he said with a smile.

"Thank you." you said while taking a sip of your coffee.

You close your eyes and breathe out whispering "so goodd" with a satisfied smile.

(As a coffee lover this is how I react with a good-ass cup of coffee when I take that first satisfying sip)

It really was the best coffee you've ever had and it warmed your whole body with that sip.

Nanami looked at you as you did that thinking to himself 'Can she get any cuter?'

A slight blush appears on his face and he quickly looked to his coffee taking a sip in hopes of hiding it.

He spoke up. "So, you were going to ask me out first?" he asked with a teasing smirk.

Nanami Kento My Sweet LoveWhere stories live. Discover now