Chapter 11-Amusement Park

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The next 2 weeks passed and you both stuck to your words and talked every day and even video chatted on nights when he had more time to spare. Then it was time for him to come back. Gosh, how much you missed him, and he greatly missed you as well.

You decided to tell him to rest the first day he's back, in fact you demanded it.

He said, then in exchange he would like to spend a whole day with him at the new amusement park that opened up.

You decided to do this before the little 'House warming day'. So basically the 2nd day since he got back to Japan.

For his rest day you still did you morning call and night call off course.

It was now the day of the amusement park date. You wore a black skinny jean, with a pair of comfortable shoes and a black batman crop top that showed off your navel ring. You finished the look with a red flannel that was tied around you at your waist. You put your hair in a cute pony tail with stray hair that fell on your face and only chose eyeliner and mascara for make-up.
He came to pick you up since you found it unnecessary to buy a car right now because you'll be working from home.

*Change the outfit if you don't like it. Please don't hate it if you have a chubby tummy, cuz navel rings look cute af on chubby tummies.*

This was the first time you saw him dress casually. He wore something like the photo below that showed off his muscles, still pairing the outfit with the watch and the sunglasses as you can see. He looked like he came straight out of a men's wear magazine. 

He looked at you in awe

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He looked at you in awe.

"I didn't know you had a navel piercing." He commented still gawking at you.

"I'm so accustomed to it sometimes I forget it's there so it never came up in conversation." you said with a chuckle.

"Well, this is a first for me seeing you like this, and I must say, every look you do looks breath-taking." he gushed.

"Thank you, it was hard for me to imagine you in casual clothes and you seem like such a suit guy, but you definitely look like you stepped straight out a magazine cover."

You both blushed at each other's comments and went off to your date.

When it was time to pay for admission, he insisted to which you happen to catch a glance of the picture in his wallet. It was the picture from the restaurant.

"You actually put that in your wallet?" you asked bashfully.

"Off course, so I can see you anytime I want and it immediately lifts my mood." he said casually.

Which made you blush hardd.

When you both entered the gates, he reached down and took your hand in his and didn't let go unless it was time to eat, pay for something or washroom breaks. After each of those things he always came back and held your hand. It made your heart flutter every time he took your hand. And when you look at him you can always see and hint of red on his face.

You both had an amazing day of rides, food, laughs and just having fun in each other's company.
You entered a haunted house, which you love but some of the things that pop-up made you jump none-the-less. And when that happened you kept grabbing on to Nanami's muscled arm, to which he was enjoying having you so close to him.

He knew you weren't scarred of those things from your reaction, it was just the element of surprise that got you.

To end the day, which was actually night now, you both decided to go on the biggest Ferris wheel they have just in time for the fireworks. When the fireworks started, you both looked on with starry eyes. After a minute or two you looked at him and thanked him for one of the best day of your life.

"Today was honestly the most fun I've ever had in the longest while." you exclaimed with a happy smile.

"Thank you for spending the day with me, it was also the most fun I had in a while too. You're amazing and I love the time we spend together." he said smiling back at you. Then you both go back to watching the fireworks. After a few seconds he had a finger on your chin turning your face towards him and then pressing his lips to yours. You couldn't help but smile in the kiss as you kissed him back. When he pulled away, he placed a kiss on the tip of your nose which made you giggle, and lastly placed a kiss on your forehead, which just warmed you heart. Then went back to watching the fireworks.

You took your hand and interlocked you fingers with his while you leaned to rest your head on his very large shoulders, resting your other hand on his upper-arm.

He was glad you couldn't see the deep shade of red he was right now. But still he bent down and left a kiss on your head.
It was the absolute perfect date with the most perfect man.

When he dropped you hope he walked you to the front door as usual.

He gave you another gift that he bought for you from Korea. 

Idk what to put for this so someone please give me ideas or just pretend it's something you wanted, I put that in last minute so it wouldn't seem out of place, cuz I forget to plan a gift from his 2nd trip for Y/N.

He left you with a sweet goodnight kiss before going home.

Today was full day of activities so both of you were exhausted and just wanted to shower and rest.

He still called on the phone for goodnights even though you both said it to each other before he left.

The day he was coming over would be next weekend when he'd have the weekend free to spend time with you. Since he got back from his trip, he got the weekends free unlike before where his days off were interchangeable days. So, he arrived on Friday, rested on Saturday and went out with you on Sunday, so you had to wait until next weekend to spend some time with him. Since you already have the house organized, you started on a new novel, so most of your time was spent doing that.  

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