Chapter 18-Shower 🍋

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******LEMON WARNING******- Also its a pretty short chapter. Sorry if its crappy. I'm trying not to get my story reported so I'm trying to be careful with future lemons.

When he pulled away from the kiss, you tip toed, threw your hands around his neck and caught back his lips pulling him into another kiss. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you deepened the kiss. With both of your wet naked bodies pressing against each other you can easily feel him grow.
He was aware you can feel him and pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry" he said looking down. "I swear I wasn't looking to start something. I know you are still sore." he said feeling guilty for how his body reacted to yours.

You looked down and then back up at him.

"Yes, I admit I'm still very sore.....but I want you here and now." you said putting a hand on his extra leg 😉

"When you say it like that, you make it hard to refuse." he said placing back a hand on your waist.

As the kissed deepens, you continue to stoke him and him hands move from your waist down to your *cheeks* and then moves further. His fingers reached kitty from behind, feeling your wetness.

(Due to wattpad's restrictions I'm going to hold back on the details in my mind, so I'm sorry if the lemon isn't enough.)

His fingers danced in your sweetest spots as his lips reached your neck. Your moans making him smile in satisfaction. In one swift movement he spun you around, now your back was against him. He bent you over slightly, you holding the wall which is close to you for support.

 He then had one hand on your back while the other help his member to glide into you. 

Cursing as he entered, still not used to how tight you are. You couldn't hold back your moans, not that you wanted to. 

You moved your hips rocking back and forth on him until your already weak legs were looking to give out on you. He noticed and grabbed and hold of your hips and one hand on your neck thrusting into you until you both reached your pleasure high. 

You both released together again, you both were loving the fact that you were able to do this

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