Chapter 8-Another Date

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You have been talking every day, for about 8days and got to know a good bit about each other and got pretty comfortable with each other even though it was only texting.

"I feel like I'm going to dinner with a model, now I feel underdressed" you giggled.

You looked at him and see the deep shade of red on his cheeks.

"It's me that should be saying that to you, the moment I saw you I was stunned."

With that your blush now matched his but still you responded. "Thank you.....but with cheekbones like yours, I've been meaning to ask if you ever modeled in your life?"

He let out a laugh, this was the first time you heard a real laugh from him, before was mare chuckles.

"You flatter me too much Y/N" he said "But I'm being genuine" you said with a pout.

He looked over and saw your little pout, 'she looks so fucking cuteee' he thought.

"Well, I'll answer honestly, no, I've never did anything like that, I don't think that would be my kind of thing."

"Awe, that's a shame, I'd love to open a magazine and see you there." then when you realized what you said out loud you covered your mouth and got red again.

He let out another light laugh, "You really do flatter me too much when you look the way you do, you could easily be a famous model....I've never seen someone look as stunning as you do with or without make up and your features are so gorgeous individually and even more so together." he said clearly blushing as he said this and also making you blush as well.

(You never wore make up to work because it seems like a waste to put in the effort every day when you could just get that extra sleep, so that where he saw your bare face.)

Soon you both reached to the restaurant.

You both walked in and was greeted by an employee, which informed you that they were doing an event for the weekend since it's the restaurant's 20th anniversary and was taking pictures of every customer for their social media but if you don't want to be on social media, they'll still take your picture and give it to you as part of the celebrations. They had a nicely decorated area where they took the picture.

"Nanami-san are you ok with the second option? It'd be such a waste to not have a picture when you're so dressed up and plus the background is really cute." you beamed.

"I'm ok with it, how can I possible refuse a picture with a beautiful model standing next to me" he teased making you go red.

You both stand in the designated area ready for the pic when the photographer came in, "woah, are you 2 the models for the social media main cover?" he asked. You both looked at each other and responded together "no" with a little laugh. "Well alright then get in close together" he said and you did. "Hmm Let me fix this" said the photographer while he walked up to you and shifted you and Nanami in angles he thought would look better and lastly, he took Nanami's hand and positioned it on your waist, causing both of you to blush but tried to distract your minds so it won't show up in the picture.

Andddd *CLICK*


"Ok thank you very much, we will have two copies to your table before you leave" smiled the photographer.

You both thanked him and went to find your seats and ordered.

You both had an amazing time and it definitely felt like you 2 got closer, you talked, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company. The bill came along with your pictures. You paid leaving a very generous tip and you both looked at the pictures, apparently there were 2 different pictures and they gave you 2 copies of each. On was in a glass-like ornament-type picture frame and the other they made wallet size and laminated it. But upon looking closer you notice that the big and small picture was different. The bigger one was the one where you both looked at the camera and smiled, it was a gorgeous picture. But the wallet size one was captured at some point where you and Nanami looked at each other (in the same position the photographer set you so his hand was still on your waist) and you can see slight redness on both of your faces, it made you both blush seeing that. You were also confused as to when he snapped that because you can't remember at all. When the waiter came back to collect the bill with the money inside you asked about the extra pic. He said the photographer said he couldn't resist because both was too perfect. You thanked him. When you were about to leave. you both walked up to the photographer and thanked him and you were very pleased with his work and the fact that he did 2 pictures for you.

You both left very happy and felt so much closer to each other. Now you both have one of each picture. 

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