Chapter 26-What??

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You wore a flowy dress that was perfect for the night at the beach. You and Kento both matched wearing blue as it'd be fitting.

You thought you were going to a restaurant on the beach but you were wrong.

Kento held your hand and guided you to an area on the beach where it was pretty dark but you could make out 3 men wearing what looked like a white polo t-shirts and white pants.

When you both reached the men Kento stopped walk and turned to them, both of you now facing the men whose backs were turned to the waves crashing in the distance.

The men now moved to the side and with the click of a button your vision was now full of light as fireworks went off and the lights came on, revealing the beautiful set up in front of you.

The Table was set and behind that was a giant flower heart with the words "Will You Marry Me?

The setting was gorgeous. It was full of candles, flowers, flower petals, heart shape decorations, string lights and other little thing that just brought the look together.

(If you're wondering how they light the candle in one go, they were connected with a string which they light the same time as the fireworks and it light like a chain reaction where the connecting string burned off just leaving the candle itself lighting)

You were so surprised and taken aback when you turned to look at Kento, he was down on one knee looking up at you holding out a box with a gorgeous ring in it.

Your right hand immediately went to cover your agape mouth as he was holding your left hand.

"I have never loved someone the way I love you, and never been loved before the way you love me. You are beautiful inside and out, just standing next to you I feel like the luckiest man in the world and I get the pleasure of calling you mine. We've been going out for a short while and it's hard to remember happiness without you in it. You make me a better man, you make my life more colourful and you feel like a blessing I can't afford to lose. L/N M/N F/N would you do me the pleasure of being mine for all eternity as my wife? Will You Marry Me?" he asked looking up at you never breaking eye contact even as your eyes filled up with tears of happiness.

"Yes, yes, yes a million times yes." you said as you jumped into his arms closing the distance between you with a loved filled sweet kiss.

When you pulled apart, he slipped the ring on your finger and then brought your hand up to his lips to place a kiss on it.

You both had an amazing dinner where neither one of you could stop smiling.

Little did you know there was a photographer so you have photos of this beautiful moment.

You both even slow danced on the beach at night with the most beautiful background.

He really outdid himself. You couldn't believe this was your life. You never thought happiness like this could've belonged to you.

Well, you know that last night at the hotel didn't involve much sleeping 😉

You both got back home and he changed his job to only office work to avoid you having to witness him bloody again.

In less than 6 months you planned a small wedding and got married with Brie as your maid of honor off course.

He was so handsome standing at that alter in a breathtaking suit. And you looked stunning in a beautiful gown.

You both had an amazing honeymoon in The Maldives. 

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