Chapter 6: Intrusion

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Minji woke up the next day. She looked at the clock beside her bed. 9 am….. I wonder if Yoohyeon is sleeping or is in the surgery room again or is taking care of her patients. She looks really tired. She takes care of others well but does she take care of herself? Her mind kept replaying the events that happened in her room yesterday. Did-did we almost kiss? God, Minji. You’re so careless. I get that she’s irresistibly pretty but restrain yourself. How am I going to face her now? And she’s even gonna stay with me during Thursdays. Minji sighed. She wished that she could flail, scream, and just do stuff but her parents are still sleeping so she just chose to be silent. She grabbed her phone. She saw a lot of notifications from her instagram and twitter. I guess the company released a statement about the accident. A lot of her fans got mad with that. She also checked her messages. She received a message from the director.

Director Kang: Hello, Ms. Kim. How are you? I deeply apologize for the accident that happened. It was my fault and I didn't check up on the staff and the materials for the scene. We took the scene lightly and that caused your accident. We will be responsible for all the payment that has to be paid in the hospital. Your parents gave me consequences for harming you. Please take all the time to rest. It doesn’t matter if we have to extend the filming process. Please get better. I deliver my sincerest apologies again. I’m sorry.

Minji sighed before typing her reply. She knew that it was unintentional. Her parents already told her about the consequences. Honestly, she was okay with filming with the director again. Maybe before I retire, I’ll film with him again. He’s a good and a nice director. 

Minji: Hello, Director Kang. I am doing fine now. Thank you for apologizing. I will recover quickly so I can get back to filming. I will ask the doctor in charge on how many weeks I need to recover completely. Have a nice day. 

Minji sent the message. She went to her inbox to see a message from Handong.

Handong: Hi Minji! I’ll be staying with you today right? I’ll just finish filming and I’ll be there around 5 pm! See you later Minji!

Minji: Hi Dong! That’s perfect! My parents will be here up until 4 pm so that’s fine. Thanks for agreeing to this! See you later!

Despite meeting each other only a year ago, they both became close. It’s their third movie together and Handong understood her better than anyone else. Handong knows about her frustrations and stress as an actress. Yes, her other 3 friends are celebrities as well. But Handong understood her better since they both have the same occupation, unlike her other 3 friends who are singers. She put her phone aside and looked outside the window. A voice interrupted her peace.

“Minji?” It was her mom. Seems like she’s awake now. Maybe I could ask her if we could take a walk. 

“Hi mom. How was your sleep?” Minji asked while her mother was stretching.

“Well definitely better since you’re awake now. But my back hurts.” They both giggled that woke Minji’s dad.

“Good morning dad.” Minji’s dad then stood up and gave a kiss on her daughter’s forehead. Minji asked,

“Can we take a walk? Yoohyeon said I can walk now, just not that much. There’s a park behind the hospital. Can you take me there?” Minji’s parents both agreed. They assisted Minji to get out of her bed. Minji didn’t walk for more than 24 hours. She stumbled first but her parents were there to assist her. They informed nurse Min about their walk. A lot of people were shocked to see Minji there. Some people didn’t believe that she had an accident. She heard a lot of comments like “she’s still so pretty” and “ I can’t believe I’m seeing her with my own two eyes.” Those comments made Minji feel good and happy.

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