Chapter 7: Finally

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(im guessing yall know what will happen based on the chapter title)

Yoohyeon mostly spent her time in the ER. The afternoon that Handong came until the next night that Bora, Siyeon, and Yubin stayed, Yoohyeon didn't visit Minji once. Gahyeon and nurse Min mostly visited Minji for her check-ups. Minji would ask the doctor and the nurse where Yoohyeon was but they would say that she is in the ER or is resting due to countless emergencies. Well, yes, she was there and was resting. But she purposefully did that to get her head away from Minji. Yoohyeon requested Gahyeon to check Minji for her. Of course, the younger got curious as to why so Yoohyeon told her.

The younger doctor squealed in excitement.

"Isn't that a good thing unnie?! It means that she likes you back! You said you've been crushing on her since the day you met at the club. This is the opportunity, unnie!"

"I know but what if........ all of these will just happen for a moment? She's an actress, Gahyeon. She probably has a busier schedule than me. What if her parents find out? What will they say? They entrusted Minji with me but I flirted with their daughter. What if her fans find out? I don't want to be the cause of her losing her job. She's surrounded by far more greater people. She is probably doing what she wants and I don't want to take that from her." Yoohyeon sighed. She admittedly told the younger that she likes Minji. For her true self. For who Minji is. Gahyeon patted Yoohyeon on the head and said,

"But think about this. What if you tried? Minji unnie didn't stop you from doing that. It's just a sign that she also wants it to happen. For you guys to happen. If you don't try now, won't you regret it in the future? Stop thinking about what WILL happen but just think about the present okay? I've never seen you this happy, Yoohyeon unnie. Try it. Take chances." Yoohyeon raised her head and gave Gahyeon a hug.

"I'll stay with her later. Maybe, it's time to tell her." Yoohyeon smiled. Gahyeon cheered and they drank the beverages that were in their hands. Gahyeon left Yoohyeon alone and the older doctor got ready. She slowly walked to Minji's room. After sighing countless times, she finally knocked and entered Minji's room.

Minji gave her a small smile and looked out the window again. Yoohyeon settled her things on the additional bed. It was the first time that Minji will see Yoohyeon in casual clothes. Wearing a white hoodie with black jogging pants and with her hair down, Yoohyeon looked so cuddly and Minji just wanted to take Yoohyeon in her arms and embrace her tightly. But, she wouldn't give in easily (even if Yoohyeon looked so cute and tiny in those clothes).

For the past 2 days, Yoohyeon didn't visit her. That formed a lot of conclusions in Minji's mind. She can't help but feel disappointed and sad. Minji knows that Yoohyeon is confused and shocked but she feels the same too. She just wanted to talk to the doctor to clear her confusion. But look at Minji now. Yoohyeon is finally there in her room but she's avoiding her gaze. Useless gays, as Handong said. A fidgety Yoohyeon opted to start the conversation.

"Hi Minji. How are you feeling?" Minji answered, still looking out of the window.

"For sure my body feels better now. The wound doesn't hurt that much and I finally got the rest that I was missing for the past few months. But..... because of a specific SOMEONE, I don't feel good inside." Minji turned her head fast and glared at Yoohyeon. The doctor was looking at the ground with a pout on her lips. Minji swooned over the scene and she swore that she could feel her resolve breaking. But, she needed to be stoic for once to get answers out of Yoohyeon.

"Oh! Uhh that's great! There's one thing I still need to do though...... I need to check your stitches and I might remove them today if they're okay now." Yoohyeon purposefully ignored the last sentence that Minji said. She still had to do her duties as a doctor. So, she sat down on the chair and scooted closer to Minji. Feels like deja vu. Lol Yoohyeon. She's probably mad at you and she deserves to be but please, do your job as a doctor first. Minji then faced the doctor but her arms were crossed over her chest.

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