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Days past on after one week she is good now and thinking that what she do further. She can't go to her house as there not any house for her, she think she can go to her brother house but she know that they are out of town for 1 month. She can't any place where she can leave than she remember her friend krishna. She called her ask for help and she is ready to help her.
In the morning Farhad tell Raghav that she is ok now and she want to go from the mansion. Raghav tell him that where she want to go he have to drop her. Raghav does not want to she her leave but he does not why. After breakfast ge go to the office without saying a word to him.

Pallavi came for breakfast but she doesn't found Raghav as they do breakfast together silently past week. She is sad to know that he does not even say bye to her. Pallavi want to say thanks to him but as she have nothing to gift him so she decided to cook lunch for him. She preapared all food along with the kheer. After finishing her lunch she go to krishna house and Harish (Raghav security officer )drop her.
In the office Raghav does not feel well. He remember her presence in his house. After years there is someone waiting for him to house as he go to home. He is in his deep thoughts than Farhad came to him and tell him that Pallavi leave the mansion nad she prepared lunch for him to thaks him and there is also a thank you note for him. Raghav smile after hear this . After seeing her note he asked Farhad where they drop her. Farhad tell him that he drop her to her friends house. He thinks why she does not go to her house and also that he does not even know about her house.
In the other side Pallavi reach the Krishna house. She feel sad on the way but as she see krishna, she forget everything and happy to see her and hug her tightly. She tell everything that was happened to her in this 2 weeks. She tell her that she want to take job and leaves life alone in the memories of Mandar (her husband who passed away). She is sad from behavior of her in laws . She know that her amma , kaku and brother is not want to do that but as they have no right to say anything , they can't do anything for her. She decided to drop her information for interview. She is good jewelry designer so she drop her info to the company for jewellery designing.
She cry on her fate. She also want to leave the krishna's house as her mother did not like Pallavi. She doesn't want to hurt krishna so decided that after taking hear she have leave the house without saying a word to krishna.

Story continue.....

Thanks for reading and sorry for grammatical mistakes.

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