30 . Chaos

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Raghav's POV:-

I don't hear any of the suggestion of Fahad who keep insisting that it is foolishness to go without further search but I don't want to hear anything. My blood is boiling after hearing that what he do to my Pallavi. I just want kill him with my own hand. I rush towards the back door and carefully jump through a window which is luckly open. I don't want to warn them or they might harm my Pallavi. My Pallavi.. i don't know from when I started saying her as mine.

I went towards the door where the drone location shown on tablet. I don't find any people here to keep guard. They might be confident that no one could come inside or it might be a trap. I don't care , all I know is I have to save her. I keep watching the video which keep going. When I see Saransh try to kiss her . I lost all my senses and run towards door and break it with loud thud and kick saransh to the side wall. I start punching him. I don't know how many times i do so but I stop by loud sob. I look towards the sound. Pallavi is still tied to the chair. I go towards her and free her from the rope. Before I can do any other thing she wrapped her arms in my shoulder and start sobing louder than before. I just tap on her shoulder and try to calm her .

Sound of Farhad intrupted us who is saying that we have to go because gun shot between two parties is start. We have to go out of here ,it is dangerous to leave here any longer. I take Pallavi's hand in my hand run towards the backdoor. We safely reach out of the cottage but a gun on my back of head stop me in my track. I slowly turn towards the intruder. It's saransh. Before I know anything he pull Pallavi from my arm and tell me to don't do anything or he will kill Pallavi. After that he drag Pallavi towards the forest. I silently follow him but I don't dare to keep close to him. I can't afford losing of Pallavi again. After sometime we reach to baren area where trees are less. He look towards back to check if he has been followed or not. I hide myself in the back of a tree.

After reassuring that he is not been followed. He let go of pallavi.

Saransh:- akhir kya hi rakha h us Raghav me . Tum uspe itna wishwas kyu karti ho baby girl. Axa koi baat nahi tum mere sath rahogi to uski yadein bhi m tumhare jahan se mita dunga.

After hearing that I could feel my blood boils but restrain myself. I have wait for right time or he might really harm her. He looks so obsessed with her. He keep talking to Pallavi. A point I can feel that she knows that I am here because she is looking towards my direction but don't say anything.

I slowly walk towards them and reach to saransh and kick him so that his gun will fly farther from him.. I ordered Pallavi to run because we are fighting and don't want to harm her. But thank God she run far from us but not leave us. Oh this girl, nevermind I will deal with her some other time .

I again focused on saransh. We keep fighting. Some kicks and punches I deliver on him and some of them i also received. I reach to my gun from my backside of the paint but I can't see when he reached for his gun before I know anything a bullet pierced through my shoulder. I pulled my gun from backside and fire three bullets in a row and he is dead. I can feel someone reach towards me to catch before I fall to the ground.

Its Pallavi who is holding me tightly and crying. A tear slip from her cheek to my face . I reach to her cheek and wipe the tears but it keep falling.

Raghav:- I am sorry Pallavi...

And I lost my consciousness.

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