26. Chaos

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Everything is settled slowly as on first view of few days after that incident but in deep down someone is in danger everyday and Raghav becomes more anxious about the safety of pallavi. Raghav send more people to follow pallavi and they follow her secretly. Pallavi also can see the nervousness on Raghav's face no matter how much he try to hide it but she doesn't know why he act like this. But she doesn't try to ask him because she know he never gonna say the truth.

  One thing that change in their relationship is after that incident their relationship gone one step higher as they no longer taunting on each other and Raghav doesn't trouble pallavi as like before and he is trying to tolerate the fact that saransh is more eagerly trying to reach Pallavi.

Pallavi become little awkward after the conversation in their bedroom from starting day but slowly she is also accepting the fact that she is falling for Raghav in her corner of heart 💖💖💖. But she is trying to distancing herself from saransh as he is acting weirdly day by day after that incident and deep down in her heart she is actually did not forget that incident easily but she is now scared of people and always try to being in the crowd and did not left alone.she is a strong girl but that incident give her a deep scares that need more time to complete remove and every near one is also as she can she it. Amma and Kirti always be with her all time at house and in office Raghav appoint a secretary who is always follows everywhere and try to not leave her alone. Pallavi try to give an excuse to not need to appoint a secretary for her to Raghav but he insists her that he is not okay to leave her alone.

After few weeks:-

Pallavi went to a temple near the forest which is famous in their area. Raghav couldn't come with her because of an important meeting. But Raghav make sure that Pallavi did not go alone so her secretary follow her along.

After reaching the temple Pallavi go to buy the things required for the prayer but when she reach the temple which is situated over the high on mountain she remembers that she forget the coconut so she asked her secretary to take it from downstairs. Her secretary doesn't want to leave her alone but she have no choice so go down to get coconut.

Pallavi see her secretary going down so she take a side beneath a tree neer the stairs and also to the forest. She thought that someone is looking at her but after searching she doesn't found anyone so she again pay attention to the stairs. Suddenly a hand cover her mouth with a hankey a slowly her vission blur .....

In office:-

Raghav is in middle of his meeting when a call intercepted the meeting but after seeing the call from one of the man who follow Pallavi he get up from chair and interup the meeting and pick up the call but after listening the conversation from other side he throw his phone on wall with low growl . And leave the meeting with Farhad appoliging and following him.....

Thanks for reading . As you can guess that next part is going to be a big revelation so keep reading... And I can see that our journey is going to be end soon hope you keep reading and support me through your comments. Thanks again.

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