Chapter 3 ~ Blinding Light

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Warning: Violence

The elleth stood frozen. Just as the monster was about to smash his club into her skull, she stumbled backwards, just out of reach, but her back met the lumpy body of another who seized her in clammy hands and hurled her forward.

She caught herself on her hands and knees, only to be kicked so hard in the collarbone that she was forced to her back. Pain blasted her. Her eyes squinted shut with a harrowing cry. Another blow slammed into her ribs, knocking the air from her lungs, and she gasped in anguish.

"Please, leave me alone!" she choked out as pain axed her. Her breath came in short panicked gasps. She briefly wondered if this was just a horribly vivid nightmare. Then a voice in her head screamed to run. She ignored the torment lancing her body and staggered to her feet, stumbling backwards.

The one with the club cackled. He pointed and spoke to the others.

The young elleth tried to back away. But it was no use. One of them, the largest orc by far, seized her. Being much stronger than a mortal, she was able to rip herself free and scrabble away. But they had her surrounded. Many pairs of filthy gray hands groped at her from all sides.

She had absolutely no training in the art of war, but instinctively she spun and punched and kicked, causing them to flinch back. But they did not relent. She was forced to raise her arms to shield her face as their claws tore her skin. Unearthly growls rent the air all around her. Foul hands clutched her arms like vices.

"Let go of me!" she cried, trying to tear free, but several of them gripped her. Tears began to stream from her eyes and panic tightened her throat as she realized she was helpless against so many.

The orcs only cackled and tightened their slimy, scabby grip on her. They violently wrenched her hands behind her back. They bound them tightly with a rope that bit into her like glass shards, bruising and abrading her wrists as she struggled. Alas. It was all far too torturous and malodorous be a nightmare.

"Rada!" She screamed. But she was too far, too far away for the wizard to hear her.

The orcs yanked her forward by a tether lashed to her bound hands, jeering raucously as she fell forward on the side of her face. She could hear more of that jarring, unknown language that made her blood run cold. She was dragged upright again, and found herself face to face with a horrifying orc, a head shorter than she but twice as broad. He prodded at her clothes.

"You look tasty," He leered at her in the common speech, baring gruesome yellow teeth mottled with decay. The hideous stench of his breath assailed her nostrils.

"Get away from me! RADA!!" The young elleth shrieked. She tried to dart backward but he held the tether lashed to her bound hands. He yanked the rope and she tumbled backward to the ground. The orc pounced.

A bright lash of pain streaked across the top of her breasts. She shrieked. Her eyes widened in terror as she caught sight of his long claws, their tips darkened with her blood. The orc smiled wickedly and licked them. Hunger sharpened his ugly features as he looked her up and down.

"The master won't mind if we have a taste, as long as you don't perish," he leered.

She kicked at him as he scrabbled at her stomach with lethal claws, making ribbons of her tunic. What was going to happen to her? Was he going to eat one of her limbs? Or her breasts?

A fresh wave of fear flared in her chest. She kicked harder and heard a crunch as her foot slammed into him. Her attacker recoiled, doubling over. But then he hissed and raised his scimitar angrily. The young elleth rolled to the side.

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