Chapter 46 ~ Pursuit of Power

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Warning: Dark, mention of assault.

"You need this tonic. Without it, how will your wife survive childbirth?" "This is only the finest snake oil, a miracle cure from lands beyond Middle-earth. It will save your father from death."

Tysaun laughed as he sat in his luxurious accommodations. Pilfered easily by tricking various men across Middle-earth, a hill of gold and jewels glimmered in a giant sack at his feet. His ability to vanish and reappear wherever he wished and to hypnotize the weak-minded proved most useful. And now he was almost ready to cross through that rift to the world of opportunity, whenever it reappeared, with the riches that would afford him an immediate position of power from which to ascend to the top.

Except... There was just one predicament. One infuriating complication. Tysaun lacked his endless source of power... the Changelings.

Try as he might, those accursed wizards had put up barriers too strong to penetrate. He could however, steal glimpses of them. The boy was usually prancing about with some pathetic animals being all "kind" to them. Disgusting, he wanted to torture them all. The girl was always wrapped around that blonde buffoon. The "sweetness" was sickening and made him want to despoil her and make the blonde one watch. Perhaps he could mimic that blue eyed face, he thought, flame eyes alight with malice. That would surely pain the prince even more.

The other problem with using his smoke mirror was that his creator oft emerged to menace him. "Bring me the changelings," "invite the dragon to my cause," "why did I create you if you do nothing to help me achieve dominion?" Blah, blah, blah.

Tysaun knew he needed to go through the rift soon or his creator would somehow retrieve him and he would be unmade, the dark energy comprising him sucked back unto Sauron's wraithlike self. Tysaun was wraithlike too but he could mimic living forms.

There was one way in which he exactly resembled his maker... His insatiable greed, his psychopathic pursuit of endless power, for himself and no others, taken at any cost, regardless of the lives destroyed and exploited.

But Sauron had his chance, and squandered it. The mere loss of a finger... Witless to wrap one's power around a limb so easily severed. A ring. Decorative, but so easily lost. Tysaun would not make the same mistake.

The threat of being unmade hung over Tysaun. But the Unnatural One knew it was only a matter of time before the defenses around the Changelings would weaken, even if for a moment. When he found a hole he would be ready to slip in and claim his delicious prizes. 'I shall keep them alive though they'll wish they were dead! Draining them slowly.' He licked his false lips, 'then all the power in the world will be mine for the taking!'


AN: Obviously this is Tysaun POV. Sorry I know, so short, so unpleasant, but I did not want to mix this foul villain update with the cute fluffy chapter coming very soon! Please vote on this one to support the book even though Tysaun sucks 🤢 Leave Tysaun some angry emojis too 🤬

If you need cheering up you can go reread some of the recent fluff in chapters 39-45 🥰 I just added some new spicy photos!

We have been SO busy on our adventures of late (you can follow us on IG: and Mirkwood.Elf.Adventures), but the next few cute chapters are nearing completion. Also, exciting news—we will be doing little audiobook recordings as fun little additions to this book! ✨

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