Chapter 32 ~ His Soothing Star (M)

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Please be sure to read all the chapters in order ~ It will only make sense if you do! Plus it's hotter in order. ;-)


Blue butterflies converged in great shimmering clouds, like a thousand iridescent jewels, a glinting stream of auburn flowing in their midst. A whinny echoed in the air, and a horse trotted forth as if from the mists of ether.

Her coat a fiery auburn, radiant in the sun, the hue reminded Legolas curiously of Faeriel's red-brown hair. The graceful being nickered and tossed her head, her ears flicking forward with joy before the ethereal flock fluttered about, forming a veil, and Legolas could see her no more.

Moments later he heard Faeriel's soft voice singing of her love of Arda and all who therein dwell, and he again saw streaks of auburn shine among the whispering wings.

Presently Faeriel twirled to the fore of the frolicking butterflies and Legolas could see her more clearly. The ellon could not believe his eyes.

For Faeriel wore naught upon her sublime form... and she danced. The swirling gusts of butterflies part shrouded her, each curve of her form flowing in and out of view. Puffy, pink tipped breasts bounced gently as she swayed and twirled. Her long, gleaming hair arced about her with every spin, then as she reversed direction it wound around her sloping waist and wide hips before whirling out again. Her emerald eyes glowed, and most radiant of all was her smile. Pure, celestial joy and compassion without bounds glowed upon her sweet face.

Legolas' heart fluttered like those butterflies, and desire pierced him like a volley of arrows. Tingles roared through him as a delicious, heavy heat gathered in his loins. His beloved... His meleth. He longed to catch her up... to pull her to him, to caress her curves... He yearned to sink his fingers into her fiery curls and kiss her luscious lips.

But it seemed that he was rooted to the spot, as immobile as a young sapling. He stood, unable to go forth, simply watching her dance among the swirling cloud of butterflies. Legolas grew mesmerized, his body aching and his heart soaring. It was good enough, just to watch her. A gift, a miracle.

But then a shock of fear split Legolas' contentment. Smoke funneled in from all directions, choking out the poor butterflies. A shadow stalked toward his sweet Faeriel. Legolas tried to rush to her, to stand protectively before her, but still he could not move. Frozen as a statue, Legolas watched, an omniscient, shocked, panicked witness, as a figure of ash and smoke wearing the face of Maelorion grabbed Faeriel violently. With a great churning of smoke, the figure coalesced rapidly... solidifying into the full, yet fake form of an elf.

Faeriel screamed. Legolas' gut twisted with rage and fear. Then all of a sudden, the scene shifted, though her scream endured, echoing in his ears like a throbbing vein.

Legolas stared, trying to find Faeriel, still hearing her scream, his insides wrenching. An army was arrayed before him, polished metal glinting in the sun. The armor of his people.

Then he saw her. His naneth. She stood at the fore of the army. Beside her guards flew the banner of the Queen. It was just as it had been the last time he saw her as she went off for that fateful battle. Legolas had been deemed too young then to accompany his Adar and Naneth.

And Legolas knew in his trembling heart, he knew, that this was that time. His beloved mother was going off to her death. Legolas tried to shout to her not to go, desperate to prevent the tragedy. He must save her! But it was like his jaw was fused shut...

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now