Chapter 68 ~ Counsel and Craving (M)

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AN: Please do not read ahead, please start at the beginning, with the Prologue. 💕

This one was a bit hastily written and I promise the next will be even better🙏🏽

You can scroll past the spicy sections, but please do not skip the others like their meeting with Galadriel and the short part at the end.

Thanks for waiting! We have many projects in the works these days including volunteering for nature preserve but always working on this novel too and seeking that balance. For our daily posts, follow us on Instagram.

So much more Cosplay and story to come. 🤗


Optional Mature Section ~ Hot Bath

✧ 𝕱𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖑 ✧

Legolas halted a few feet away and set the basket down beside him, brandishing a sultry smile. Stars glimmered in his eyes, locked on me as strong fingers unstrapped belts and shrugged out of shirts.

My gaze traced his sleek bare torso to the prominence in his leggings, beckoning a deluge of tingles. When I raised my eyes to his, his knowing smirk seemed to delve right between my thighs. His sapphires scorched me from under lush lashes as ever so slowly he peeled off his leggings. Oh Arda!

In only his small garb he picked up the basket, set it at the pool's edge and slipped gracefully into the water at my side.

His eyes dipped to my lips, then my wet, barely covered breasts, glowing the most beautiful blue under the mantle of velvety lashes. Then he returned his lidded gaze to mine, drinking me in with that unmistakable expression of thirst tautening his features. 

Starry pupils swallowing azure irises, Legolas let his gaze wander over me again, casting shivery trails of heat, before he spoke, smiling. "Persimmons for my Princess."

His husky voice made me shiver with heat as I watched his beautiful hand reach into the basket. He pulled one plump fruit forth and brought it to my lips.

Legolas fed me, fingertips lavishing my lips with slow, tingling caresses. The entire time I watched him eat I was imagining his lips and tongue upon a similarly juicy fruit.

Afterward, his broad hand lifted to cup my jaw and the side of my neck. Eyes bright with keen perception, Legolas smiled at me, a dreamy expression of wonder shining upon his radiant face. I felt bathed in warmth, in acceptance. An out of body sense of peace and rightness swirled through me, a feeling I knew he shared. And in the next moment, his mouth was on mine.

The noise he made when he exhaled was rough and growling, both satisfied and laden with unfulfilled need. Sweet vibrations thrummed into me from the sound, sending a riot of fluttering through my frame. Liquid heat poured through me, the deluge deepening as Legolas gathered me up to straddle his lap.

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now