Chapter 57 ~ The Mirror of Galadriel (M)

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Upon their leaving, Thranduil made his plea once more

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Upon their leaving, Thranduil made his plea once more. Legolas offered a tight lipped smile and bowed respectfully to his Adar in farewell. He did not wish to part ways in bad blood, but his exit was hasty.

No one saw Thranduil tuck a small scroll into their bags as they made their final preparations.

Morning light bathed the four elven figures, two bushy-tailed folk, and raven person as they traipsed out the blue doors and across the bridge.

Legolas was eternally grateful for the company of Talishaya, their best warrior. Even with the imposter vanished, peril might still befall them. Faeriel and Faelas possessed great power but were yet untested in battle, aside from one. Tali was the finest friend and ally Legolas could ever ask for. Her aura bestowed serenity, and ever it seemed did she arrive with aid at the darkest of times.

They had not passed far from the halls before the events of the previous day came under discussion.

Faelas launched into a retelling of their enemy's attempt at stealing them away. Legolas felt tense throughout the discussion, and sought Faeriel's hand. She clasped it, and he felt a wobble in his chest as he sensed her strength and bravery even after the shocking events of yesterday. His heart pattered as he thought of the way she had transformed the monstrous spiders into a harmless, natural form and declared that they could live. Faeriel caught his eye and smiled at him. Her rising confidence and fortitude shone bright. She blossoms into her own kind of guard. Violence begets violence, Legolas thought. Perhaps the Fae can forge a path beyond battlefields...

None in the company could say where their enemy had gone to, but they hoped they could unravel the many mysteries in Lothlórien.

None in the company could say where their enemy had gone to, but they hoped they could unravel the many mysteries in Lothlórien

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As Faeriel walked, Legolas endowed her with ample distraction from recent events. With detail, she painted scenes within her mind... Of Legolas laying her down in the moss, tender eyes smirking at her as he drew off her raiment...

In her mind's eye he pressed his body to her, his supple mouth showering her with kisses, his hands running hotly over her curves. His passionate lips would caress down the front of her body, teasing her slowly, coiling her supremely tight with need until at last he slid his tongue into her deepest ache.

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now