Chapter 31 ~ The Deceiver

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As much as it could in a psychopathic entity, fear for self preservation boiled in the mind of one Unnatural Son.

Tysaun stared at Sauron, an unwelcome mass of flame inside his smoke device.

"The Changeling is near you. I know this. You know this. You cannot fool me, Tysaun. If you do not bring it to me soon, I will terminate you," Sauron's voice echoed like a thousand scraping Orc blades.

Tysaun felt the unpleasant churning of chemicals in his spurious elven form. He knew Sauron could end him anytime, unless he moved far enough away from his maker.

And so he would. As Tysaun pretended to go along with Sauron's demands, he hid a sly smile from his features. Plans had formed swiftly since the phenomenon of the swirling water. Many times he replayed it in his smoke device, studying the delicious despair within, and there he knew lay his empire. He need only find the way in.

Sauron went on. "The power of another Changeling moves close... I can sense it. If another comes, bring it to me also... and you shall be doubly rewarded."

Another! Thought Tysaun. How delicious. And how absurd... Why would I do that! I would be rewarded with total power if I took the power sources with me to my new empire.

"Fail me, and die," Sauron hissed.

There was a knock on the door of the late Maelorion's quarters which Tysaun now occupied.

"Yes, of course," Tysaun replied quickly. "Someone is here. We can resume this later." Though he would wait as long as possible to open his smoke device again. Sauron was always invading it to berate and threaten him.

"I will be with you in a moment," Tysaun called. The smoke and flame vanished and Tysaun answered the door.

"Good day," he said politely to the two guards, making sure the red did not show through in his eyes. He had enough power left to maintain his disguise and to cast one more major spell if need be, but he was running low. He would have to suck some from the Changeling soon. The soulless pit of his evil salivated at the thought.

"Good day, Lord Maelorion. The King wishes to meet with you," one of the guards stated.

"Very well," Tysaun nodded like an obedient subject. "Lead the way."

Before the King's seat, Tysaun made his faked body bow to the Elven monarch as he made deferential greetings.

"Tell me more about your recent voyage," Thranduil ordered, watching Maelorion closely. "What route did you follow?

Tysaun described Maelorion's errand, making it sound perfectly ordinary, and of course leaving out the part where Maelorion was killed and his visage assumed by one most diabolically clever Tysaun.

Several minutes of conversation later, Thranduil asked, "And your word to the King?"

"Yes, yes, I give you my word."

Thranduil froze. His normally impassive brows drew together, his eyes widening slightly, and Tysaun knew he had said something incorrect.

"Your King's password," Thranduil uttered, his eyes flicking to the guards at the edge of the dais, then back to Tysaun. "The word taught only to you."

Unease rattled in the Unnatural Son. There was a password? He had not gleaned that from his scan through the elf's memories.

"As you should know, failure to give the word results in imprisonment, for the safety of all," Thranduil recited, the concern on his face intensifying.

Tysaun had to do something. He needed this ruse to last, so he could plot to seize his prize and vanish with it. Why would the King suspect him?

Then it hit him. The King's son. That vile prince giving moon eyes to the Changeling. Disgusting.

Tysaun saw Thranduil was about to summon the guards. He knew he must act fast. He whipped nearly all his remaining energy into another great spell of deception. And great it was indeed, for he was a master.

The King's mind slowed, but the power of the curse seemed not to suffice, for the King's eyes still narrowed in suspicion.

"Your eyes... What—what is wrong with your eyes?" Thranduil uttered, staring at Tysaun's face, his speech slurring slightly. No doubt his eyes were flashing with red as he expended so much energy.

"My lord, I will give you the password," Tysaun said so the guards would hear. He only possessed enough power for this one, mighty mind before him. He had not expected that one elf would be so difficult to dupe. Perhaps he underestimated them.

Tysaun redoubled his efforts, spewing the spell into the King. "The word is..." The interloper sought for a good word to trick the King into believing was his chosen password for Maelorion.

"Truth." Tysaun laughed inwardly at this.

He watched the King as the curse took hold, clouding his mind, veiling the truth.

"You may go," Thranduil intoned slowly, accepting the word the curse convinced him was correct, raising a hand to his temple with a grimace.

Tysaun grinned, and spun about in a whirl of dark cloaks, exiting the throne hall. He felt very smug indeed. Though, his power reserves waned. He knew that soon he would need to plunder power from the Changeling. His grin widened. Delicious.


AN: I uploaded two chapters today, this one was of course short and sour but there's a long, sweet one next!

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