Chapter 19 ~ Beneath Sunless Boughs

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"Faeriel... " Legolas murmured. Thought formed in his mind slowly, reluctantly, for the being he so cherished still sat upon him, playing with his hair.

"Yes, Legolas?" Faeriel whispered back.

"Little though I wish to part from our... repose... Fare you well enough to be moving on?"

"Oh.. Yes..." She did not wish to vacate his lap but of course, their destination would not draw any closer if thus they tarried.

So Faeriel hugged him tightly, gratefully, her eyes closed, her fingers reveling in a few final wanderings of the satin ribbons cascading down his back. "Thank you again, Legolas..." She murmured, enunciating his name softly. It was so beautiful, like him.

Ai! The vibrations and warmth of her gentle voice felt so achingly wondrous upon the pointed ear of Legolas. Deep, wild, ineffable feelings surged in his spirit and his worldly form.

"It is my pleasure," Legolas managed, returning the tight embrace.

He softened his arms to allow her to rise, but let one linger upon her waist and one upon her forearm a little while longer, stroking. "This day we shall pass over the Old Road and forge northeast through the mountains. There, we shall rejoin my company."

Faeriel felt relieved her face was hidden from his sight, for the sensations stirred in her by his shifting fingers as ever sculpted her features oddly. His words entered slowly through the pleasurable haze.

She had seen the mountains upon Rada's maps, which she had pored over for many long hours. It was a long way, and Faeriel did not wish to delay Legolas.

Rusco hopped off her lap, and Faeriel lingered a moment longer, biting back her sighs as Legolas caressed the sensitive curve of her waist. At last, reluctantly, she too rose.

Legolas' fingers lagged upon her, dragging across her waist until the final possible moment as she slowly straightened up beyond his reach. Upon the departure of her wondrous warmth and softness, Legolas felt that he had been sorely robbed. But well he knew, he must see her safely to his troops and then unto his Halls. There he hoped they could share times of a happier sort. His duties were many but surely he could find time for her each day.

Presently, Legolas felt dazed, unable yet to move, his body taut and hard with the yearning to draw her back and...

Presently, Legolas felt dazed, unable yet to move, his body taut and hard with the yearning to draw her back and

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𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now