Chapter 65 ~ Left Behind (M)

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DO NOT START THE BOOK HERE. Please read from Part 1, the Prologue, and Chapters 1 to 64 first!

 Please read from Part 1, the Prologue, and Chapters 1 to 64 first!

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Warning: Brief violent description.


The boat lurched so violently that all of us on board were hurled flat upon our backs

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The boat lurched so violently that all of us on board were hurled flat upon our backs. When we clambered to our feet, eyes darting wildly about, the sea was as placid and clear about us as if naught had ever happened.

A thick ache filled my throat, a growing pressure that squeezed like an invisible, strangling hand. Blinking rapidly, I choked back a sob as the contents of my body seemed to be sucked down into a deep abyss, spinning and compressing painfully. But... I was just standing on the ship... Sounds muted and my vision tunneled as I stared at the place the whirlpool had been.

The realization hit like a slow motion panic attack. Faelas was nowhere to be seen...

Is he... gone?

I sucked in a breath as my world imploded. "No..." I croaked weakly, hyperventilating. "No..."

I staggered, pressing a shaking hand to my mouth. Limp limbed and trembling, I felt Legolas draw me into his arms but I felt numb, barely aware of anything.

Legolas held me tighter to him as I began shaking my head, tears spilling over. My insides roiled, twisting until they seemed to be tangled up in a knot behind my ribs.

"Breathe," Legolas uttered, voice roughened with emotion. "Breathe, Faeriel."

Were Faelas and Luna safe? Where were they? Were they even-

I choked at the thought. Worst case scenarios assailed my thoughts in a loop and my heart squeezed tighter and tighter.

"We-we were supposed to go with them-" my voice sounded very far away. "Faelas-He-w-where-?"

What if they never came back? What if they were- A wave of fear and anguish rolled over me and I could not speak.

Faelas. His sea green gaze and easy smile flashed before my eyes. Why had I not been there for him? I have failed him! I have failed Arda too!

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