Chapter 13 ~ Venom Sent Forth

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His new body felt excellent. Some of its features were rather dull, but he used magic to surpass most of those, for eating and drinking seemed rather superfluous, especially now. His soulless essence vibrated with power and excitement about all the possibilities his new position availed him.

Tysaun strode eagerly towards the halls of Thranduil, a malevolent smugness settling in his new form's chest. He was glad to have this great excuse to be rid of his maker. Perhaps his father — he thought the word with disdain — would be furious that he had not consulted him before enacting this new plot to infiltrate the elves.

His maker was always boasting about how far superior his power was to all others. Ha! Tysaun thought. He cannot even take form. He created me to do what he cannot. But Tysaun would be far from his wrath, and whatever he gained from this position would either redeem him— or, if need be, allow him to plan an escape.

The orcs had failed to capture the powerful prize. A she-elf it was. Tysaun was struck with a sudden curiosity of her whereabouts.

He raised his spurious elven hand and began to trace the required circle in the air. A thin trail of flames and smoke billowed from his finger. Excellent, that still works even in this form. He sniffed with his replicated nose. Brimstone. The flames soon formed a circle in midair. The Forest visible in the center vanished and roiling flames and billowing smoke took its place. After a moment, the inferno died away. A miniature scene was playing in the round ring of flame. Two small figures could be seen, a male and a female elf. It were as if Tysaun were watching a play.

The two elves strode through the dark forest. Tysaun recognized the dreadful prince right away. And many times had he used this method to spy upon the prize. At once he perceived the she-elf to be the one his maker sought. It was a prize indeed. The shape of the she-elf had never impressed him before, but now Tysaun had a sudden urge to see more of it. A side-effect of this form, he presumed. Tysaun's stolen teeth flashed in a gruesome smile. It seemed she was headed to the very same place as he. Perfect...

Squelching, tapping sounds reached his new ears. He proceeded up a slope toward the sounds. A horde of his delightful, eight legged monstrosities lounged in a vast recess in the land. Webs covered every surface, and piles of desiccated corpses littered their unkempt lair. Many eyes swiveled towards the newcomer. Unholy hisses met farcical ears.

Tysaun spread his arms wide, commanding them to come before him.

"It is I, Tysaun, your most generous overlord. The orcs have failed me, dear ones. Seek the prize they failed to procure. Bring me the young she-elf that roams these woods, alive and unspoiled— " Tysaun made certain to emphasize that point, for its powers were only available for the taking while it still lived. "— and you shall be rewarded with a whole village of men and many herds of beasts to quench your thirst!"

Grating screeches, hisses and clicks resounded from the sinister congregation. Tysaun could understand their evil speech perfectly. The spiders were most excited by the proposal of this feast.

"It journeys that way, with only one other. You may kill the male, but bring me the she-elf alive. It should be most easy for you if you catch them unawares before they rejoin their army in the forest's center."

There was a great rustling and tapping of many massive legs as the venomous monsters eagerly receded in the direction Tysaun had indicated.

A part of Tysaun hoped they did not succeed. He wanted freedom and to enact his exhilarating new ploy. Once the she-elf was in his clutches, Tysaun would be forced to bring it to his father. He craved time to consider what options were available to him. What sort of power he could amass for himself.

He did however feel amusement and pleasure knowing the spiders would bring trouble to his quarry. He would very much relish the show in his fire ring. Perhaps they would kill and eat the prince. Ah... That would be a delicious sight. And if they did succeed in binding the she-elf in their paralyzing webs and bringing it to him, his father would reward him greatly.

With his stolen visage, Tysaun leered wickedly in the direction the spiders had gone. Either way, he would triumph today.

 Either way, he would triumph today

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🌿 As we know from chapter 8, Tysaun is an unnatural entity created by a very dark power. When his plot to capture a great prize via a horde of orcs failed, the makings of a new plan stumbled across him. A high official in King Thranduil's court, Maelor, served his purposes, and now after killing the real Maelor, he goes forth to the Elvenking's Halls wearing his likeness. What trouble do you think he might stir in the refuge of the elves? And for Legolas and Faeriel on their journey home?

❤️ In a few minutes I'm posting another chapter for you, a CUTE SPICY CHAPTER! Bear with me as I upload all the pics...

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