Chapter 29 ~ My Refuge (M)

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Over the next few mornings, Faeriel awoke after only pleasant dreams of Legolas and spent many hours in the gardens meeting more of the local Ardalings. Rusco joined her often. Legolas, though very busy, found her at least twice a day to embrace her in a quiet grove or grotto or in her chambers.

These moments were wondrous but all too brief. Legolas left her weak of knee with an aching kiss to her forehead and a lingering glance. Apparently he was unusually busy this week, but he promised more time for her soon. Keeping occupied with Ardalings helped her with the ache in her heart of missing Radagast and all her friends at the sanctuary, although it did not distract her much from her ache for Legolas.

Talishaya joined her on the third and fourth days to give tours of her personal favorite spots in the gardens that she thought Faeriel would enjoy. Faeriel was pleased to see Tali was beloved by Rusco and all her new Ardaling friends. As they played with Ardalings together, Faeriel talked about Legolas a lot, and Tali smiled softly and listened. Faeriel also told her stories about Radagast's sanctuary.

"So that's how Rusco taught the lambs, fawns and piglets to open the cereal cabinet, and Rada had to stash his breakfast with the bitter medicines that everyone hates," Faeriel told her.

~ That's not exactly how it happened! ~ Rusco chided from her shoulder, and aloud he uttered his staccato squeaks, making Faeriel and Tali laugh.

Faeriel kissed his tiny, whiskery nose and launched into tales of Rusco's heroism, appeasing him quite well.

Many elves glanced curiously at the new elleth with the squirrel companion. On the fifth morning, as Faeriel and Rusco meandered back to their quarters together, an icy sensation slithered from Faeriel's scalp down her spine just before one elf crossed their path. He stopped and bowed. Faeriel remembered him and instantly felt uneasy.

"My lady," said he. "I am Melorion. I trust you are enjoying your stay?"

"Oh, y-yes, thank you." Faeriel stammered.

An uncomfortable feeling pricked at the back of her neck. Unlike when Legolas trailed his tender gaze over her, Faeriel did not like the way this elf's eyes prowled over her body. It was almost as if he saw her as something to eat, which was of course ridiculous because he had no claws nor fangs to tear flesh with.

~ He is creepy. ~ Rusco informed her.

~ He does seem creepy, ~ Faeriel agreed, frowning.

Melorion's crawling gaze did not abate even through all her winding thoughts. She took a step back as his lip curled. "You are most...enchanting," he said, leering wider. Then his glance flicked suddenly up to a point over her shoulder.

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now