Chapter 54 ~ Clandestine Kisses Two (E)

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AN: Two more chapters coming today too right after this one! This one is completely Skippable but if you love fluffy, naughty scenes I hope you enjoy ;)

Not a one shot, infinitely hotter in the course of the plot ❤️


7 days before celebration

Faeriel rolled over yet again in the delightfully soft, velvety blue linens of Legolas' bed.

Their bed.

Once before she had spent the night there, the night she snuggled him tight after sensing his nightmare. Oh how she craved his presence now.

Nary a moment passed without some thrilling bodily sensation. Giddy flutters filled her belly, a deep, unplumbed ache coiled in her core, a wobble tugged her heart, and a hot glow suffused her everywhere. She longed for the all-encompassing relief and joy of Legolas' embrace. Yet even as she ached for him, her heart nearly burst with joy simply reflecting on all that had come to pass.

And oh how she reflected. Cherished memories swam like heat mirages in her mind. The way he soothed her aching heart and held her gaze with those crystals of compassion. The way he smirked, his warm, nimble hands caressing, teasing slowly into secret, sensitive spots, stroking her unto unending raptures. Faeriel found herself wondering if they would ever have halted had they not always been interrupted.

Eventually, despite the keen ache thudding low, she drifted off to sleep. Her mind conjured up the sweetest of dreams. It was just as dream Legolas was about to put his mouth upon her foremost ache that a movement stirred her awake.

Faeriel wakened to Legolas' sweet spice scent surrounding her. She felt his warm fingers drift a gossamer course along her spine. Shivery tingles crested through her belly and out along her limbs.

"Legolas," she sighed. Rapturous sensation stabbed through her buch in a molten rush as Legolas combed her hair aside and commenced skimming a slow, sensual pattern upon her bare back. Her breath stuttered as that humid tingling engulfed her loins, desire clenching and flowing like a torrent, the sensations growing hotter and sharper with every passing second.

"I managed to slip away for a moment," Legolas breathed. His voice was soft yet rough, its texture like a physical caress. "I am sorry to wake you..."

"Be not sorry," Faeriel whispered breathily. Fire danced between her legs amid shuddery thrills that made her feel like she would fly wondrously apart. "I miss you... Oh Legolas... Mmm..." her words faded into a moan as she felt his lips land a gossamer soft kiss against the place her neck met her back, sending a thousand tiny flames racing down her nerve endings. The muscles within the core of her billowed in molten waves, flexing and leaping in elation. Legolas lingered there, hot breath fanning across her skin, and she could feel his need tingling into her through his lips and the air between them.

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now