Chapter 9 ~ Bated Breath

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Silvery moonlight gilded the satin mane of Legolas and a wreath of leaves about his fair form glistened

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Silvery moonlight gilded the satin mane of Legolas and a wreath of leaves about his fair form glistened. Nearly an hour flowed by since Faeriel had settled into slumber. That giddy flutter persisted in Legolas' heart as he stood in the garden and sifted through all that had come to pass.

Legolas could hear Radagast's approach from the orchards long before his dilapidated hat bobbed into view surrounded by little blinking lights.

"Prince Legolas!" The wizard chirped. "I am sorry, that took longer than expected. Sebastian was sick and needed me." He gestured to a hedgehog held to his chest.

In his other hand, the wizard carried a full basket of berries and herbs

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In his other hand, the wizard carried a full basket of berries and herbs. A flock of fireflies swooped and winked in whimsical patterns about his wizened frame. "How fares Faeriel?"

"She sleeps in the meadow," Legolas responded.

"Ah! Very good." Radagast nodded, halting before Legolas. "Prince Legolas, Would you tell me precisely what happened in the Forest today?"

Legolas took a deep breath. "As I went forth upon my scout routine, I chanced to hear her cries from afar. As I arrived upon a skirmish of orcs and forestlings, a light flashed so brightly that naught could be seen. As it faded, Lady Faeriel fell unconscious to the ground. She was...bound by the hands." His voice cracked slightly, his own hands shaking with anger but he willed himself to continue the account. "Animals stood all around her, protectively. They had a strange amount of blood upon their fur but appeared unhurt."

Radagast was hanging onto his every word, his kind, crinkled eyes tense.

"After the orcs were slain, to her side I hastened. Terribly faint was she, but your name she uttered weakly. The animals followed as to you I bore her."

Legolas watched the wizard sag for a moment and close his eyes.

Then he opened them, smiling warmly even as his eyes remained haunted. "Thank you, young prince," Radagast said emphatically. "Faeriel is like a daughter to me, and you have saved her." His voice too cracked.

Legolas felt a bit strange being called young, for he was nearly a few millennia old. But he knew the Great Wizards were far more ancient than he who was but a child to them. "Thank me not. I would gladly do anything to see her safe."

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now