Chapter 12 ~ Trumpeting Trepidation

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Sea green eyes gazed out of the gazebo where the small ensemble played over the pieces, perfecting them ad nauseam for the concert that evening

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Sea green eyes gazed out of the gazebo where the small ensemble played over the pieces, perfecting them ad nauseam for the concert that evening. Buoyant feathered beings soared overhead, exuberant, acrobatic, free.

 Buoyant feathered beings soared overhead, exuberant, acrobatic, free

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'Twas his final rehearsal... and it seemed to drag on and on. Faelas longed to be one of those birds and escape into the air, soaring over the pines and over the mountains. If only...

A throat cleared. Faelas suddenly became aware that his colleagues had fallen silent. Have I missed my entrance again?!

''Are you going to live up to the standards of Adamion's studio or do you consider yourself too far above us to learn the violin cues?'' His least favorite maestro sneered. Snickers smattered from the ensemble.

"Very well, you may redeem yourself by performing your entrance at twelve bars after rehearsal one fourty eight for us now, by yourself." More titters.

Faelas set the horn to his toned lips and began to weave the melody under scrutiny of the ensemble. He executed the fingering, rhythm, articulation, dynamics, and intonation with but a minor flaw, which could be accounted for by the piercing gaze of the experienced yet somewhat jealous accompaniment.

Yet the poetry of the music fell flat like the oration of architectural blueprints rather than the boundless joy the composer intended, for Faelas had no such joy to imbue the music with. He could imagine the freedom the birds enjoyed in the sky but it wouldn't overcome the captivity he felt, shackled to his posture chair. He couldn't explain why he felt this way, especially when all the others coveted his position, he simply did.

The concert that night dragged by in a similar vein. The performance passed without any further embarrassment. Afterwards, as Faelas meandered in to dinner, Rondor beamed proudly.

"When I took you in as my ward I had no idea you would make me so proud." Rondor said, beaming, his arms swept wide. "To study with Master Adamion is a high honor. Afterward, you shall be prepared for the finest court musicianships throughout all of Middle-earth! Every House shall be vying for you!"

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