Chapter 37 ~ Upon the Brink (M)

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Mature ✨ (๑'• .̫ •ू'๑)


Cool earth passed beneath slender feet as the willowy figure threaded between mallorn trees. Silver starlight glistened upon familiar bark and gathered glowingly upon the Lady of Light.

But Galadriel felt an unease about the land. It grew with every step until she was running up to her home vaulted high in the massive trees. No sooner had she reached her bower when all at once, every hair on her golden head prickled... and she saw it. The rift was opening again. It was the second time. She knew it would not be the last.

Is it a cry for aid? Could such a world be healed? Hope stirred in Galadriel despite the darkness.

In his Sanctuary in the Woodland Realm, Radagast too felt the disturbance. Again, the suffering of trillions knocked him flat upon the floor... A minute passed, and whatever rift had opened, closed again.

Thankfully, the presence he had sensed a week earlier was close now. Gandalf would surely be arriving anytime. Radagast lay, exhausted from all the pain he had sensed. All his friends of fur and feather within the cottage hopped and trundled around him, snuffling and squeaking in an attempt to cheer him up. He smiled and hugged Sebastian, who stood upon his chest, peering at him with little starry eyes of concern.

"There there, my friend," Radagast croaked. "We shall soon be able to ask my friend Gandalf about it. At long last he is returning!"

Sure enough, Gandalf and their Great Eagle friends flew in minutes later. The reunion with Gwaihir and Gilda was a happy one and afterwards, the Wind Lord and Lady went to their favorite nesting spot nearby, urging their wizard comrades to call on them at need.

When Gandalf and Radagast had ensorcelled extra magical shields about the cottage to keep out unwanted eyes and ears, they sat in Radagast's dilapidated sitting area.

"So good to see you at last," Gandalf breathed. "I meant to return sooner, but countless times I have been delayed. How goes it, my old friend?"

"Gandalf! I found her!" Radagast exclaimed.

Gandalf leaned forward in his seat, eyes going wide. "You found the lost twin? You found Faeriel?"

"Yes! Not two days after you last left decades past," Radagast told him anxiously.  "I tried to send word to you, but, you've been gone a very long time!"

"Why did you not try harder to send word?" Gandalf uttered sternly. Then his glance rushed about the room. "Where is she now?!"

"I kept a very close eye on her! Many Ardaling friends too have helped protect her." Radagast squeaked. "And, well, I'm getting to that. She's safe."

"You did shroud her powers?" Gandalf asked sharply, bushy gray brows looming perilously low over his blue eyes.

"Well..." Radagast squirmed nervously. "A bit. I could not do that task as well as you did, and it was too late, she already knew of them. But she had not yet changed form. I shrouded that ability, and taught her to control her elemental and healing—"

"Then she could be sensed, could be found!" Gandalf boomed, voice rattling the rafters and sending several mice scurrying away from the tray of seeds they had been noshing.

"I had protections in place. She went undetected for many years!" Radagast cajoled. Then his face fell. "Until..."

"Until?" Gandalf pressed, his wild gray eyebrows contorted.

"There was an... an attack." Radagast shuddered at the memory. "Not a moon past. Some orcs tried to... to take her. She is safe now in the Elvenking's Halls, with Prince Legolas to protect her. I know she is still there, safe. The Sylvan veins tell me."

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