Chapter 18 ~ Tidings of Peril

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Faeriel trailed off, unable to utter the dreaded words

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Faeriel trailed off, unable to utter the dreaded words. She watched Legolas' lips part in surprise.

"This was your house?" He repeated slowly.

"Yes.... I... I dreamt of two elves." Faeriel commenced in a hushed whisper. "An elleth, her locks a reddish hue, as mine are, and an ellon with wavy hair of brown... I have dreamt of them many a time, foggy memories of them holding me when I was very small... B-before they... "

Faeriel paused, striving to swallow the lump in her throat. Her heart felt so heavy, her chest tight, but Legolas only waited patiently, exuding warmth.

"... B-before the animals raised me, and before Rada. I have always felt so happy to see them, even in so simple a memory. But this dream was different. Much clearer than all that came before. Then... suddenly th-they appeared a-afraid..." Faeriel's voice cracked and faded.

Legolas felt shivers wrack her body as he listened intently to her words. He watched as her lips trembled and pressed together, Dread twisted his insides. Oh, cruel fate that so sweet a soul does suffer so...

Faeriel's lip trembled harder and she whimpered, suddenly burrowing her face into his neck again. Legolas' eyes fluttered shut as her hair tickled his hypersensitive ear. But he could not enjoy such things... Not now. Tunneling into her soft curls, he stroked her back, waiting for her to continue.

Her voice trembled, but she went on, murmuring against his neck. "There was... dark s-smoke." Her voice cracked and a choked sob escaped her. Her shaking escalated violently.

Legolas did not know whether he should hush her or whether it would be better for her if she finished. He drew her closer and simply rubbed her back and neck as thoroughly as possible as if he could somehow caress away her pain.

"It began t-to... rise... c-covering m-my p-parents... And then-Th-there was fire... I-I couldn't see them... then rain came... the flames f-faded... and th-they... th-they..." Faeriel dissolved into sobs once more. Legolas held her shivering body tightly to him.

 Legolas held her shivering body tightly to him

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"Shhh..." Legolas hushed her. The prince could guess how the ominous scene ended. "You need not say more." His throat thickened and he felt moisture well in his eyes. Words failed him. He buried his face in her hair and tightened the embrace, inhaling her sweet scent.

𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now