Chapter 35 ~ Revelations (M)

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The borders of the Woodland Realm were a dark, festering mass of gnarled, blighted trees. Faelas had enjoyed the journey from the Misty Mountains' snowline, but he balked as he surveyed the wood. The scent of decaying leaves wafted thick upon the air and an eerie, sinister silence hung about like a shroud. Yet through his trepidation he could sense something within the wood, calling to his fëa.

The five new elven guards sent by the Elvenking to escort them to the halls regarded Faelas curiously, their eyes lingering on his ears and facial hair in obvious puzzlement.

The five new elven guards sent by the Elvenking to escort them to the halls regarded Faelas curiously, their eyes lingering on his ears and facial hair in obvious puzzlement

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Once inside the blighted wood, the group's progress seemed like an eternal march. There was little indication of the passage of days, making the sleeping and waking worlds seemingly merge into one. Faelas' dreams only consisted of more slog and toil. He felt a queasiness welling into his feet with every step he took, spreading up his legs, through his stomach, and settling over his heart. Without the happy chorusing of birds or chittering of chipmunks it was like floating in the middle of a dark ocean.

His sole respite from the gloom was his friend Luna, who seemed just as perturbed and stayed close, rustling her restless wings for want to soar. He picked his way through gnarled branches and twisted brambles, wishing he could be anywhere else. There hung a malice in the fog and it seemed to mock every fiber of his being.

Partway through the third day Faelas heard the new guards muttering amongst themselves. He caught, "How could we have lost the trail... it is unthinkable." So they were lost... that did not sound good. But he had no choice but to follow them through the murk and hope they got him through.

Faelas sensed he was being watched from every direction in the near black, but up ahead appeared a light. Not really a light, more of a greyer hue which glimmered and grew lighter the closer they drew.

Hints of an odd sensation brushed at him. It was like a tingle, or a buzz, that shivered through both body and spirit. Warm prickles slid along the back of his neck. The burden of his journey forgotten, he focused on the curious light.

"What do you make of that light Redmion?" Faelas asked, pointing towards the seemingly obvious accent.

''What light?" replied Redmion gruffly, "there's naught here but dead roots and thorns."

Faelas gawked. Is he playing games with me? I can never tell with these soldiers. Or any other elf for that matter. They all look at me like I've sprouted antlers!

"Did you hear that? The wild child is seeing lights now." Faelas's extra sensitive ears picked up whispers from behind him.

"Heh! Perhaps we should take him to the infirmary when we arrive."

Faelas tuned out the rest of the group's mutterings, but perked up again when Luna flitted to his shoulder and ruffled his mane with her beak. "Pay them no heed," she intoned, "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter. You're not crazy, I see it too."

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