Chapter 14 ~ Dawn of Butterflies

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AN: Exciting! This is the first chapter with audiobook excerpts! I'm putting them after the paragraphs we voice-acted. 🥰 Please be careful, the volume may vary, we recorded on an old phone! They'll get better in future.

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Legolas had relinquished Faeriel's hand with a gentle squeeze some time ago when they branched out upon a narrower path beyond her usual safety borders. She felt an immediate loss, but it was probably for the best because her knees had become rather like pudding when their fingers were laced together, which did not bode well for walking.

Their pace was swift but easeful throughout the early morning hours. Any but an elf would have been crashing along instead of gracefully striding and would have already tired. Rusco slept peacefully in Faeriel's sturdy hip bag and she was grateful the path wound mostly between the massive tree roots, though at times she needed to clamber over or under their gnarled bulk. At those times, she sent soporific magic to Rusco so that he would not be rudely awakened by the inevitable tilting of his bed.

The Forest around them felt fairly healthy and well, though disquietude hung heavy in the air. The trees here were the vastest giants she had ever seen. Their girth was at least twice the length of her body and their height rose a hundred times more. Their auras were very old; many autumns had claimed their leaves, and many springs regrown them.

The little stream that marked their way often burbled alongside the overgrown path, or it trickled off this way and that before returning

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The little stream that marked their way often burbled alongside the overgrown path, or it trickled off this way and that before returning. Ardalings were few and far between beyond her Rada's protection. Faeriel felt so grateful she still had Rusco.

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𝒜𝓇𝒹𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃ℊ𝓈✨ Legolas Love Story Illustrated Fanfiction Elf Fae RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now