2 - I don't want to be here

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TW - Swearing, mentions of arson (idk if that counts lol)


First days at new schools always suck. But they suck even more when they're first days at a school for troubled teens.

I had to wake up at 4:30am on Sunday morning to catch a plane to the middle of nowhere. Mom dropped me off at the school's private airport, great so this school was also super rich. She cried whilst hugging me goodbye and I did my best to comfort her, whispering empty promises of improving my behaviour.

She cried more when a couple of the school's bodyguards showed up to accompany me onto the plane. I waved a halfhearted goodbye to my mom as I took my seat next to the window. I wouldn't see my mom again until the end of the school year. This was going to be a long 6 months.

The plane ride lasted about three hours. Most of which I spent coming up with a list of things I could set on fire when I arrived. The rest of the journey my mind was plagued with thoughts of my roommate.

I'd gotten an information booklet halfway through the plane journey, it had my new timetable, the school rules, a welcome leaflet and a profile of my roommate. I skimmed quickly over the timetable, rules and leaflet before focusing on the profile. There was a picture of a boy above some information that was set out like a questionnaire and that he seemed to have filled out himself.

The boy in the picture was probably the most attractive person I'd ever seen. He had fluffy brown hair and soft brown eyes, he also had the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. Even in a school photo, which always turned out bad, he was stunning. I'd been openly bi for a while now so it wasn't hard for me to accept my immediate attraction to this guy, what was hard to accept however was that I was going to have to spend six months living with this incredibly pretty boy.

After a long time of staring at the photo, my eyes drifted town to the questionnaire.

Name: Karl Jacobs
Age: 17
Favourite Subject: All of them, mainly English though.
Least Favourite Subject: None of them, but my grades are lowest in Math.
After School Club/Activity/Job: Computer coding, helping out in the library and tutor.
Likes: Hot chocolate, skateboarding, Minecraft.
Dislikes: Social situations, rude people (e.g. my parents).
Reason for being at this school: I'm pansexual and my parents think that's wrong, I also did some graffiti.

Some of his answers made me want to cry. Like the fact that he likes all the subjects and that he's a tutor. Other parts however made me like this guy even more, like how he skateboards and plays Minecraft and how he's pansexual and 'did some graffiti'. He also had a good name, Karl, I thought it suited him.

I sat and stared at Karl's profile for the rest of the plane journey, crossing 'roommate' off of my list of things to light on fire as I focused on his smile for the 100th time. I didn't even notice when the plane landed and I was roughly shaken back to reality by one of the bodyguards.

He grabbed my arm and grumbled something along the lines of 'we're here kid'. I called him a bitch as we dismounted the plane, which earned me a smack on the back of my head and a promise of detention on my first day. Great, I was already off to an excellent start.

My mouth fell open as I caught sight of the school. It was a large five story building that looked like a castle/mansion hybrid. The stone walls were covered in vines and there was smoke curling out of multiple chimneys. There was a large wall blocking off the schools grounds from the private airport and surrounding fields. This school was literally in the middle of nowhere, there were no other buildings anywhere. I couldn't decide wether that was smart or dangerous.

The guards dragged me through a large gateway and into the school grounds. My eyes widened as I took in the massive courtyard which was decorated with benches and fountains and picnic tables. They took me to the front office and I put on a dramatic show of fake tears as they departed which seemed to thoroughly annoy both guards and the woman at the reception desk. After they were gone, I was instructed to sit down on a wooden chair in one corner of the small office and wait for the principle.

I sat down and immediately began tapping my leg and fiddling with the hem of my shirt, wishing I still had my lighter. I sat waiting for a full 30 minutes until eventually I was called into the office. A tall woman with curly white hair was sitting at the desk, staring at a computer to her right.

My eyes drifted to the name plate at the front of the desk, it read 'Principle Puffy'. I rolled my eyes, struggling not to make an inappropriate joke and earn myself another detention. Principle Puffy looked up as I entered and smiled kindly at me. I just grimaced and sat myself in the chair opposite her.

"Good morning, welcome," She said in a kind voice. I didn't respond, I just folded my arms across my chest and avoided eye contact with her. "Okay then. Well I'm Principal Puffy and I'm guessing you're Sapnap?" I responded with a nod and looked down at my lap. She sighed softly and placed her hands on her desk.

"Alright Sapnap, I just wanted to welcome you to the school and let you know that although you have been sent here for doing some questionable things, we aren't going to judge you based on past mistakes," I could feel her eyes on me. 'Yeah okay, sure, you aren't gonna judge me, I don't believe that for a second' I thought, ignoring her completely.

She then continued which made me want to light her desk on fire. "I guess that's it really. One moment, I'll just call your roommate up here and he can show you around the campus," My head snapped up when she mention Karl. I felt a strange excitement bubble inside of me. I was going to meet Karl. What if he didn't like me?

Word count - 1068

A/N -
I hope you liked this chapter!
Have an amazing day/night!

Thanks for reading!

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