26 - I ask him

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The song is for when Karl's POV starts if you want to listen to it :)


TW - swearing, fluff


I sat in a booth in Eret's Kingdom, the small cafe where Karl and I started dating, in fact I was sitting in the exact seats where we'd sat all those months ago. Well, years now. I turned 19 last week and Karl had turned 19 a few months before that, around the time I'd asked for his parents permission to propose.

My fingers tapped nervously on the table as I waited for Karl to arrive. Quackity had spent the past few hours distracting him so Eret and I could set up the cafe. I'd saved up all my money from my part-time job at Eret's Kingdom so I could rent it out for a few hours and propose to Karl.

All the table's, except ours had been pushed to one side of the room and covered in rainbow candles. The only other source of lighting in the room was a string of warm fairy lights, not unlike those from the orchard at Karl's old house. I had 'Line Without a Hook' open on Spotify on my phone which was connected to the cafe's speakers. (Once again, I LOVE YOU FURY DeepFriedFury 💖💖💖)

Eventually I head voices coming from outside.
"What are we doing here Q?" I heard Karl ask, "It's closed," I could picture him pointing out the rainbow 'Closed' sign on the door. Quackity didn't respond, he just pushed the door open and pulled Karl inside.

(Play the song if you want!)


Quackity pulled me into Eret's Kindom and I panicked slightly. Sure, I'd gotten to know Eret quite well since Sapnap had started working for him but I still didn't want to be caught breaking into his cafe.

When we entered the familiar little shop, I gasped. The tables were pushed up against the far wall and all of them were covered in beautiful rainbow candles. Gorgeous, twinkling fairy lights were strung carefully around the room and as we entered the shop, mine and Sapnap's song, 'Line Without a Hook' began to play.

I turned to ask Quackity what we were doing here but he was gone.

Then I heard a voice from the other side of the room.

"Hi Love," I whipped around and saw Sapnap sitting at the table where we started dating. Sapnap was wearing his signature flame hoodie, ripped black jeans and checkered vans. I smiled brightly and walked over to him.

He stood up and pulled me into a kiss, something about it was different to usual, like Sapnap thought this could be our last kiss or something. We pulled apart and he gave me a nervous smile before leading me into the middle of the room and pulling me close to him, swaying gently to the song in the background.

We gazed into each other's eyes. I knew for a fact that I would never stop loving Sapnap. Every time I saw him smile it was like I was falling in love all over again. I could see our future so perfectly and I knew that no matter where life took me, Sapnap would be by my side, that was how it was supposed to be.

Sapnap was my soulmate.

After a moment we stopped swaying and I noticed how incredibly nervous Sapnap looked,
"Sap, love, what's wrong?" I asked, gently cupping his face in my hand. He gave me a soft smile, his eyes connecting with mine.

"Karl, from the moment I laid eyes on that photo of you on the plane on the way to school, I knew that I liked you. Then when we met I liked you even more. And then when we sat down in this cafe and agreed to be boyfriends I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend forever with. Sure, we had a couple of bumps along the way but we're soulmates Karl, you mean more to me than anyone in the entire world, so," Sapnap took a deep breath and pulled something out of his hoodie pocket.

Sapnap lowered himself onto one knee and I gasped as I realised he was holding a ring box. He opened it to reveal a beautiful silver band intricately patterned with orange and purple gemstones. "I love you Karl, I fell into the fire of love, Karl you caught me in your fire. I love you and I always will," I teared up, so incredibly touched that he remembered the words I'd whispered to him in the hospital, the words that he'd come back to life for.

"So, what I'm trying to say is, Karl Jacobs, will you marry me?" Sapnap's eyes filled with happy tears as I nodded my head,
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Sap I love you so much!" He slid the ring onto my finger and stood up. I pulled him into a deep, loving kiss. I tried my best to fill the kiss with all the love that I had for Sapnap, which was a lot.

I couldn't believe it, we were engaged. I loved Sapnap more than anything and now I got to spend the rest of my life with him.

We pulled apart after a minute or so of standing in the middle of the room, sharing a passionate kiss. Sapnap then lead me over to the table where there was a plate with a piece of chocolate cake sitting on it. I giggled happily as I realised it was the same type of cake we'd eaten our first time in Eret's Kingdom.

I sat down opposite Sapnap and we both dug in, holding hands with one hand and eating with the other.

As we ate, I kept admiring my ring, it was so beautiful and I loved it so much, I vowed right then and there that I would wear this ring forever. Even when I was just a pile of decomposed bones in a coffin there would be the beautiful engagement ring on top of all the crusty ass bones.

I loved Sapnap more than the entire world and I knew I would continue loving him until the fire of love in my heart burnt out (Which would be never)

Cause I'd been caught in the fire. And this flame was eternal. And that was okay because if I'd learnt anything since meeting Sapnap, it was that not all fire was bad. Especially not when Sapnap was the fire that lit up my entire world.

Word count - 1076

A/N -

May I just take a moment to appreciate my beautiful and incredible fiancé DeepFriedFury. (I know they're reading this)
Fury, I love you so so much and you are amazing and the best and you are the fire that lights up my world 💖

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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