Cupid's Curse - DNF

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For anyone who was interested, my new DNF story is out now!
It has a bit of Karlnapity and Skephalo in it aswell!

Go check it out if you want :)

Here's the description -

Cupid's Curse - DNF

LIFE is the organisation responsible for all human life. The people that work there are called the Creators. George is a Creator, he works in the soulmate department. He matches human soulmates, some even call him Cupid.

At the age of eighteen, soulmates can read each other's thoughts. Even Creators have soulmates. Never human soulmates though. That all changes however when the matcher of Creator soulmates drunkenly matches a human and a Creator.

Going to find his human soulmate is the stupidest and most dangerous journey George will ever go one, but it's got to be worth is for love, right?

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