18 - I miss him (Karl POV)

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A/N -
What the honk!? Thank you so much for 1k reads!
You're all amazing! <3

TW - swearing, mentions of arson, small bin fire, kissing without consent


The new guy, Marcus, was making me really uncomfortable. He insisted on sitting next to me in class and when the bell rang he followed me outside. I tried to find Quackity but the hallway filled up quickly and I was swept outside along with a tidal wave of students.

Once I was out in the parking lot, Marcus pushed me against a wall. I struggled to get out of his grip.
"Stop," I said, trying to shove him off me but he only held on tighter.
"Has anyone every told you that you're pretty?" He whispered in my ear, making my eyes fill with tears.
Yes, I thought, Sapnap called me pretty.

"Get off me," I told him as calmly as possible but it was too late. He pressed his lips harshly to mine and I began struggling once again. Tears rolled down my cheeks as he continued to kiss me, pinning me harder to the wall so that I felt the brick scrape against my forearms.

At some point I gave up trying to escape and just let it happen.

All I could think about was Sapnap. How I wished it was him kissing me. How I wished that I could just get over myself and tell him I was sorry and ask him for a second chance. But it felt like a betrayal to my parents and myself. He was dangerous. But I still loved him.

"Hey! Get the fuck away from him," Someone yelled. It sounded like Sapnap but I knew it couldn't be, we weren't on speaking terms at the moment, he didn't care about me anymore.

Then I felt Marcus being ripped away from me. I slid to the ground, crying even harder. Quackity came out of nowhere and wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed into his shoulder as two people had a conversation above me.

"Who are you?" Marcus asked the owner of the voice I'd heard before.
"Look, I know you're new here and all but Karl is mine. If I ever see you anywhere near him ever again, I will not hesitate to burn you alive, got it?" That was definitely Sapnap's voice. And that was definitely a threat that only Sapnap would make. What was he doing here? Did he actually care about me or did he just want an excuse to beat someone up?

"Oh yeah? You talk big game but I don't think you could take me alone," Marcus sneered, I heard his footsteps approaching me but they stopped abruptly as a new voice joined the arguement. A deep voice I recognised as Technoblade's.
"Well he's not alone, asshole," I raised my head slightly to see a large group of people gathered around the scene.

Technoblade and JSchlatt were standing just behind Sapnap, Schlatt holding a smashed, jagged edged bottle and Techno holding a pocked knife. Behind them stood Dream, George, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Fundy, Jack and Niki.

My friends.

I couldn't see Marcus's expression but I watched as he flew at Sapnap, raising his fist. But Sap was too quick for him, he dodged and then hit Marcus with an uppercut that knocked him to the floor, unconscious.

Everyone cheered and I pressed my head into Quackity's shoulder, the situation overwhelming me once again. I suddenly felt someone tear me away from Quackity and I was terrified that it was Marcus again but then I smelt the familiar smell of vanilla and gentle smoke that I associated with Sapnap. I didn't protest, I just started sobbing into his shoulder.

I couldn't believe he was here, comforting me. I'd been so horrible to him, I didn't deserve his attention. I'd been an idiot, trying to think about morals and what other people would say if I said that I still loved him. But the truth was that no one else's opinions mattered, all that mattered was that I still loved him and I needed him to know that, I'd messed up, I had to apologise.

✨Time Skip✨

Sapnap carried me back to the dorms, it seemed like everyone in the school had come to watch the show. Techno and Schlatt walked ahead of us, forging a path through people, everyone else walked behind us, keeping the onlookers from following.

Once we were inside, Sapnap ushered everyone that didn't live in the rooms out, Wilbur left voluntarily, leaving me with the Feral Boys.

We were sitting in mine and Quackity's room, not talking. I'd let go of Sapnap and after a moment of fussing and making sure I was okay, he left, muttering something about not wanting to scare me more and how he needed to calm down.  I felt a guilty pang as he left, I knew I'd caused his sadness and I had to fix it.

"Do you wanna play a board game or something to get your mind off it?" Quackity suggested, pulling some board games out from under his bed. I nodded and then hesitated for a moment.
"Can Sapnap play too?" I asked quietly, making Dream, George and Quackity all look at me in disbelief.

For a moment I was scared they would say no but then Quackity's face split into a huge grin.
"Fucking finally man! We thought you'd never forgive him! Hurry up, go and get him," He yelled, practically forcing me out of the room. I giggled and walked through the kitchen to Sapnap's door.

I took a deep breath and knocked. After a moment Sapnap opened it. He was a mess. His signature bandana was missing and his hair looked like he'd been constantly running his hands through it in frustration, his eyes were red from crying and his bin was on fire.

He looked at me in shock and after a moment a panicked expression took over. He sprinted to his bin and tried to put the fire out.
"Karl, I'm so so sorry! I didn't know you were coming in here! I just needed to calm down so I wouldn't run back there and set him on fire instead!" I stepped inside the room and walked over to him. He froze as I reached my hand up to his cheek and turned his face towards mine.

"Sapnap," I whispered, staring into his tear filled eyes, "I'm really sorry, I've been an idiot. I just wanted to see if you maybe wanted to play a board game with us? And then maybe in a few days after we've both calmed down from what happened today, we could talk...about us?" I barely managed to get my voice loud enough for him to hear but he seemed to catch every word. He gave me a hopeful smile.

"I'd love to," He breathed, letting me take his hand and lead him out of the room and into the kitchen where Quackity, Dream and George had monopoly set up.

There was a flickering flame of hope. Maybe fire wasn't so bad after all.

Word count - 1165

A/N -
I know this chapter wasn't the best but it was a bit of a filler :)

I apologise in advance for the next few chapters...

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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