9 - I plan a trip ft. the Feral Boys (Karl POV)

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A/N -
There is a big time skip in this chapter. I was having massive writers block on what should happen next so it's like two months later now, Sapnap hasn't committed any arson. Yet.

Also,thanks for all the reads! I really appreciate it!

TW - swearing, mentions of homophobia, mentions of drugs, fluff


It had been around two months since Sapnap and I had started dating. It took Quackity about a week to warm up to Sapnap and now George, Dream, Quackity, Sapnap and I were all really close friends. Wilbur sometimes hung out with us but he was mainly hanging around his other friend, Niki, and his brother, Tommy, and Tommy's friends, Tubbo, Jack and Ranboo.

Sapnap hadn't broken his 'no arson' promise and I was incredibly proud of him. I could sometimes see in his eyes that he wanted to pull out his lighter but he always stayed strong and ignored his impulses.

It had only been two months but I knew that I was definitely in love with Sapnap. I loved everything about him. The way he would quietly sing along to the radio, too embarrassed to raise his voice. The way he would hug me from behind in the mornings whilst I made hot chocolate. The way he would pull me into a bathroom in between classes and steal a few precious kisses. The way he never failed to make me smile. His witty remarks and sarcastic come backs. And of course he was still extremely hot. I still got butterflies when his eyes lingered on me for longer than usual or when he pulled me in for a kiss or when he whispered compliments in my ear.

I was definitely head over heels for him and I needed to tell him soon.

I woke up in Sapnap's arms. Us sleeping in the same bed had become a regular occurrence and I loved it. I honestly didn't know how I'd managed to sleep before I'd met Sapnap. I gave him a soft kiss on his forehead, being careful not to wake him up as I slid out of bed.

Quackity was standing in the kitchen when I entered, he was holding a piece of toast in his hand and his beanie was half covering his face.

"Morning sleepyhead," I giggled, making my way over to the cupboard. Quackity just groaned tiredly in response. I busied myself with making hot chocolate, trying not to be too loud. When I was done I sat opposite Quackity at our tiny table that Dream built in his woodworking class a few weeks ago. I was about to strike up a conversation when Sapnap burst through the door, holding my phone which was ringing loudly.

"Make it stop!" Sapnap yelled, clearly still half asleep. Quackity burst out laughing as I hurried to grab my phone.
"Sorry, love," I said, giving Sapnap a quick kiss on the cheek before looking down at my phone. The contact name said 'Dad 🤮'. I sighed, I hadn't spoken to either of my parents since they sent me here. I mentally prepared myself before accepting the call.

(Karl's dad is in bold, Karl is normal text)

"Uh, hello?"

"Karl. Son. It's me, your father,"

"I know,"

"Don't use that tone with me!"

"I...sorry? I just... is there a reason you called me?"

"Yes actually. Your mother and I have been informed that tomorrow your school is on break for two weeks. So we were thinking maybe you could stay with us during that time?"

My mouth fell open. My parents wanted me to stay with them? After everything they'd put me through? There was no way I was going to stay with them alone. Then my eyes settled on Sapnap and Quackity who were having a friendly arm wrestling competition at the table.

"I'll stay with you, on one condition,"

"Okay, what condition,"

"I can bring my four best friends,"

"Fine. But your mother and I want some quality time with you and just you whilst you're here,"

"Fine, thanks,"

"Alright, we'll pick you up from the airport tomorrow,"


"Bye son."


I hung up the phone and turned to Sapnap and Quackity with a smile on my face.
"I hope you didn't have plans for the holidays cause we're going to my house, Dream and George are also coming," Sapnap smiled at me and nodded his head.

"I'm not allowed to see my mom until the end of the year, it was like a condition of me coming here instead of going to juvie. So yeah, I'll come," He said as casually as he could, his voice catching a bit when he mentioned his mom. I walked over to him and hugged him, sliding myself onto his lap after he gave a nod of consent.

"I'm in too, my fucking parents don't want to see me ever again," Quackity agreed bitterly. I felt bad for him, his parents had sent him here because he accidentally got roped into drug dealing by his best friend. It really wasn't his fault. I gave him a reassuring smile which he returned.

We told George and Dream about our plan and both of them were happy to come, they both saw it as an opportunity to piss off my homophobic parents which made me laugh because it was exactly what I was planning on doing with Sapnap.

I should have felt sorry for my parents, they were both homophobes and they had just invited two gay couples and a loud Mexican who wasn't afraid to cuddle with his best friends into their home for two whole weeks. But I didn't feel sorry in the slightest. They couldn't just call me up and expect to be forgiven for all the shit they put me through. They deserved this.

✨Time Skip✨

The car journey to the airport was too short. The plane journey was too short. I spent the whole plane ride nervously playing with Sapnap's hand as he slept on my shoulder. When we landed I started to panic, maybe this wasn't a good idea after all.
"Karl, babe, it'll be fine, I'm right here," Sapnap whispered, squeezing my hand as we made our way through the airport.

Then I spotted them. My parents. All I could think was, fuck.

Word count - 1011

A/N -
Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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