11 - I meet the parents

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TW - swearing, homophobia, fluff


We sat at the large mahogany dinner table in complete and utter silence. Mr and Mrs Jacob's personal chef had served a dinner of mozzarella sticks, steak and fries which was delicious. (I was watching George's cooking stream from a while ago whilst writing this lol) We ate in silence and then when everyone was finished we sat in more silence.

I was holding Karl's hand under the table and I could feel his knee bumping up and down with nerves. Across the table, George and Dream were whispering to each other, probably placing more bets, I thought, rolling my eyes. Karl's parents' eyes were flicking between their guests, very clearly judging us.

"Okay, so I guess we haven't properly been introduced," Quackity suddenly speaks up, making everyone turn to him, "I'm Quackity, nice to meet you," He offered Mr and Mrs Jacobs a smile which they didn't return. George decided to be helpful and introduce himself and Dream,
"And I'm George, this is my boyfriend Dream," Both of Karl's parents tensed up at his words, which annoyed me.
"And I'm Sapnap, Karl's boyfriend," I cut in, staring down both of them. They each gave me a disgusted look and Karl's father turned to him, looking angry.

"I thought we sent you to that school to fix you. We definitely didn't intend for you to start dating one of the other delinquents," Every single word that left Mr Jacob's mouth was filled with a venomous hate which made me want to light his whole fucking house on fire. Quackity seemed to notice my sudden change and he kicked me under the table, giving me a warning look.

Karl's eyes were full of tears.
"You sent me to a school for troubled teens, not conversion therapy, and besides there's nothing to 'fix'. Being LGBT+ is not wrong. And yeah Sapnap also goes to a school for troubled teens but that doesn't make him a delinquent," Karl rose from the table, not letting go of my hand. I followed suit and so did George, Dream and Quackity. All five of us then proceeded to exit with Dream making an effort to slip his hand into the back pocket of George's jeans, right as they passed Karl's parents.

We made our way upstairs and into our shared living room.
"Well that was... something," I offered, sitting down on the couch and pulling Karl into my lap. He pressed his face into my shoulder and groaned. "It's gonna be okay, I promise," I whispered, gently playing with his hair. The other three collapsed into chairs, or in George's case, his boyfriend's lap. We all sat quietly for a moment, thinking about what had just happened.

"I vote we watch a movie, take our minds off that whole mess," George said after a moment, reaching out for the remote. the rest of us nodded in agreement.
"High school musical 2?" Karl asked excitedly, earning a laugh from all of us as George pressed play.

✨Time Skip✨

After the movie finished we parted ways into our rooms, of course Dream just followed George into his. I lay in bed for about five seconds before I decided that I missed Karl. As quietly as I could, I got up and made my way towards his room. Just as I raised my hand to knock, the door flew open.

Karl stood in the doorway wearing fluffy, purple pyjama pants and an oversized purple t-shirt with a large teal swirl on it. He looked extremely tired and extremely cute.
"Hi," I whispered, pulling him into my arms. He mumbled a tired response which made me laugh softly. "Watch a doin' out here, love?" I asked, slowly edging him back into his room and closing the door behind us.
"Missed you," He replied, placing his feet on top of mine so he didn't have to walk anymore. I rolled my eyes softly and half carried him over the his bed. I gently laid him down and looked around, taking in his room for the first time.

The walls were all painted a soft lilac colour and there were photos hanging around the walls. Fairy lights snaked their way around the edge of the ceiling, giving the room a soft glow. There was a large desk with a gaming set up on it and opposite from that was a large walk in closet. I could see a few skateboards lying around on the floor and made a mental note not to trip on any of them.

I was about to inspect the room further when Karl pulled me down onto the large bed which was piled high with purple pillows and blankets. I threw the blankets over us and lay down, letting him tangle our legs together. I tilted my head towards Karl's face which was currently nuzzled into my chest. I then placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

He looked up at me and smiled.
"Thank you Sap," He said as he began tracing patterns on the back of my hand.
"For what?"
"For being here," Our eyes connected and once again I couldn't help but get lost in them. My eyes flickered down to his lips, his soft, beautiful lips.
"Can I kiss you?" I whispered, suddenly nervous. Karl didn't respond with words, instead he just brought his lips to mine.

We stayed like that for ages, holding each other close and every so often leaning in for a deep, affectionate kiss. Eventually however, the need for sleep got the better of both of us.
"Goodnight Karl, I love you," I said, giving him one last kiss. He grinned dazedly at me and draped one of his arms around me, pulling me closer to him.
"I love you too Sapnap," His voice was muffled by my shoulder but the words still gave me butterflies.

Karl loved me.

I loved Karl. I loved Karl more than I could ever know, my love for him was beyond words. I would do absolutely anything for him.

I loved Karl.

Everything was perfect.

Word count - 1014

A/N -
Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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