15 - I go back to school

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A/N -
Thank you so much for 500 reads! That's crazy! I appreciate more than you know :)
You're all amazing! <3

TW - swearing

The last week of the holidays I spent back at school. Wilbur and Karl had swapped rooms so now I was sharing with the tall British guy who spent most of his time quietly playing his guitar.

Surprisingly Quackity, Dream and George didn't hate me. In fact, Quackity pulled me aside the day before school and said,
"Listen man, it wasn't your fault. Any of us would've done that if we'd had a lighter. Karl's just in shock, give him time," I'd nodded along to his words but I hadn't really listened.

I didn't really listen to anyone anymore.

On the first day back at school, I just skulked in the back of my classes, not paying attention. When the bell rang for lunch, I stood up, planning on heading back to my dorm and hiding from everyone, especially Karl. My plans were interrupted however when Wilbur pulled me over to his table, saying that I couldn't just hide away forever.

Begrudgingly I gave in and sat down between Wilbur and a tall blond who in introduced himself as Tommy. I was then introduced to the other five people at the table. A guy with orange hair and fox-like features, sitting across from me who's name was Fundy. A girl with short pink hair who was sat on the other side of Wilbur who said her name was Niki. A short kid with brown hair and a bee sweater called Tubbo who was sitting on Tommy's other side. And tall boy on the left of Tubbo with half of his hair dyed white and the other half dyed black.

Tubbo introduced him as Ranboo and quietly whispered to me,
"He doesn't talk much,"
My attention was then drawn to the last person at the table who was wearing a pair of glasses with one red lense and one blue lense, he looked up from the burger in his hands told me his name was Jack.

I tried to be as nice as possible and pay attention as Wilbur started talked about how he'd lost the election for Student Body President to some guy named Schlatt and Quackity.

The conversation wasn't very interesting. Especially not when I could see Karl on the other side of the room, talking animatedly with Quackity about something. I desperately wanted to go over there and talk to Karl but I knew that if I did, he would tell the police that I started the fire and then I'd be sent to jail where I had an even lesser chance of winning him back.

I was so lost in my thoughts that didn't notice when the conversation around the table died down and I only looked up when I heard Wilbur say,
"Go the fuck away, I don't want to deal with you two right now,"

Standing behind Wilbur were two guys. One of them had long pink hair and the other had short, dark hair, and sideburns. The pink haired guy wore a white shirt which was covered in stains that looked suspiciously like blood, a red coat with a white fluffy trim, black jeans and black boots that were studded with spikes. The other guy wore a black suit with a red tie and shiny black shoes. Clearly neither of them cared about the school uniform.

Both of them turned to face me at the same time and Wilbur seemed to steadily be getting more annoyed.
"So is this the arson kid?" The guy in the suit asked in a thick New York accent, raising an eyebrow at my disheveled appearance. I hadn't put much effort into looking good, it didn't matter, the only person I wanted to look good for was Karl and he didn't care anymore.

"Yes Jschlatt, Sapnap is here for arson," Wilbur sighed, clearly wanting both of them to leave. The other people at the table shifted uncomfortably.

"Congrats man, we heard about what you did to your school! That's awesome," They guy named Jschlatt said, clapping me on the back. I didn't respond. Lighting my school on fire seemed so long ago, it was so insignificant.
"Can you just go away?" Wilbur said irritatedly, giving the pink haired guy a pointed look.

"We're going, we're going, calm the fuck down," Jschlatt said, raising his hands in surrender. Then his friend spoke for the first time,
"Sapnap, was it?" He asked, looking at me. I nodded, "How about you leave these losers and come cause some chaos with us? I hear Mr Minecraft's classroom is very flammable," He gave me a mischievous smile. These two most definitely had a reputation as trouble makers and right now a bit of chaos was what I needed to get my mind off of Karl.

"Shut up Technoblade. Sapnap doesn't want to light Philza's classroom on fire. And he definitely doesn't want to get mixed up in the likes of you two," Wilbur said distastefully, glaring at them both. It was obvious that he hated Jschlatt.

"Actually Wilbur," I interrupted, getting to my feet, "I'd love to go and light a classroom on fire," Jschlatt and Technoblade looked pleased as I joined them. Everyone at the table started to protest, telling me about all the trouble I'd be in if I hung around with he two. I was considering sitting back down but then I heard Karl's name. I didn't know who said it but someone said,
"Karl wouldn't want you to,"

My face contorted with rage and I glared around at all of them.
"Karl doesn't want me. Full. Fucking. Stop." I spat, watching as all of them shrank away from me. With a last glare around the table, I turned and walked with my two new friends out of the cafeteria.

"Welcome to the group, now that we're friends you can call me Schlatt and this here is Techno," Schlatt said as we made our way outside, "Things are gonna be so much more fun now that we have an arsonist with us," He exclaimed gleefully, pulling out a knife and twirling it in his fingers. I grinned manically, excited to be free from worrying about disappointing Karl.

"Well first things first Schlatt. Sapnap, that uniform has got to go. We follow our own rules here and if anyone tries to stop us, well let's just say the school nurse will have an extra patient," Techno drawled as he began to head in the direction of my dorm.

This was exactly what I needed.

A distraction from Karl.

This was going to be fun.

Word count - 1095

A/N -
Thoughts on Schlatt and Techno?

Three chapters in one night! I'm on a roll :))))

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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