27 - Future

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TW - swearing, fluff, panic attack


"Sapnap! We're going to be late if we don't hurry the honk up!" I ran through our house, desperately searching for my car keys which I hadn't seen since yesterday. Every so often I called out for Sapnap to hurry up but I got no reply. Eventually I found my keys under mine and Sapnap's bed and I ran downstairs, making sure I had everything I needed.

The doorbell suddenly rung and I looked up excitedly, they were here. I rushed to the door and flung it open to reveal Quackity, in his signature beanie, a dark blue adidas jacket and some tracksuit pants, Dream in a lime green hoodie with a smiley face and black jeans and George who was wearing a blue hoodie with a red and white box and some blue jeans.

"Hi! Come in everyone!" I said, ushering the three into the living room. Quackity gave a me a look that said 'dude chill the fuck out' I just rolled my eyes and hurried out of the room to find Sapnap.

I found him in the bedroom of our adopted daughter, Mia. He was sitting on the floor, his head in his hands, he was breathing shallow and fast, clearly trying to catch his breath. I hurried over to him and placed my hand gently on his knee.
"Sap, I need you to breathe for me okay? In and out, copy me love," I slowly breathed in and out, patiently waiting as Sapnap slowly synced his breathing with mine. After a few minutes he looked up, his face was covered in tears and he looked extremely nervous and upset.

I pulled him into a gently hug, stroking his hair and murmuring reassurances into his ear. After a moment we pulled apart and I gave him a soft smile.
"What's wrong Sap?" I asked, sitting next to him, my back pressed against the pretty pink walls of the room.

"I'm scared, what if Mia's teacher starts treating her different cause she has two dads?" Sapnap slipped his fingers into mine and I squeezed his hand gently as tears welled up in his eyes again.
"Hey, listen to me, okay? If Mia's teacher wants to be a bitch that's her problem and we'll deal with that if it does happen, don't worry love, it'll be okay,"

I rested my head on Sapnap's shoulder and we sat there for a minute, both slightly scared of the parent - teacher meeting we were about to attend. Our adopted daughter, Mia, was in kindergarten so this was the first time we'd be meeting her teacher. If I was honest it scared me more than I wanted to admit.

Mia knew she was adopted and she knew that that didn't change the fact that both Sapnap and I loved her like she was our own flesh and blood because she was our family and she was the most amazing kid on the planet. But everyone new we met seemed to have a different reaction to our little family so we never really knew how someone would respond until it actually happened.

We sat on the floor for a moment longer before I helped Sapnap to his feet and we headed downstairs to Quackity, Dream and George who were all coming along to the meeting for support and because they were practically Mia's uncles, all three of them had had a big part in raising Mia from a tiny baby, so we always seemed to look like one big happy family.

✨Time Skip✨

We walked through the big school gates and towards the large meeting room next to the school's gym. Mia was already there seeing as she'd been at school all day. When we walked into the meeting room there were a bunch of kids sat on the floor at the front and all the parents sitting on chairs at the back, some of them had their kids next to them.

Everyone turned around to look at our big group. A little girl with dirty blonde hair, bright grey eyes and glasses looked up from her seat on the floor and her face broke into a smile. She leaped to her feet and ran towards us, her little arms outstretched for a hug.
"Dad! Papa! Uncle Q! Uncle Gogy! Uncle Dweam!" Mia wrapped her arms around my legs as she was too short to reach my waist and I almost tumbled onto the floor. Sapnap grabbed my arm and held me up, laughing.

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