24 - I think everything will be okay (Both POV)

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TW - swearing


I had fucked up.

I wasn't thinking, I just let the words slip out of my mouth.

My mom gasped, tears openly streaming down her face.

"No, Sapnap, no! Don't you dare say that! I thought you were already dead! I didn't want to keep you in limbo!" Mom had never shouted at me like that before. I was speechless. I felt so guilty for what I'd said.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," I whispered, hanging my head, "I know it wasn't your fault, you were trying to do what's best, I was just angry,"
Mom walked around to my side of the island, she put one hand on my shoulder and used the other to told my chin up so I was looking at her,

"Sapnap listen to me, you will never ever be a disappointment. I'm so proud of you kiddo, you were so brave, so so brave, you ran into that fire to save your friends, and I'm a little annoyed because that was probably the stupidest thing you've ever done in your life, but I'm also so so proud," I pulled her into a hug, tears streaming down my face.

It was okay, it was going to be okay.



I woke up in an unfamiliar room. I sat up, rubbing my bleary eyes and looked around. It took me about thirty seconds to realise that I was in Sapnap's room.
Then the events of yesterday came rushing back to me.

Sapnap was alive!

He woke up because he heard me when I told him I loved him!

We were okay, I loved him, he loved me.

I leaped out of the bed and bounded out of the room, desperate to see Sapnap and make sure that him waking up wasn't just a dream. I stumbled down the stairs and practically fell into the living room where Sapnap and his mom were watching a movie. They both looked up when I entered and Sapnap's face split into a huge grin.

"Morning sleeping beauty," He chuckled, standing up and walking over to me, I smiled dazedly, taking in his face again, he was alive, one hundred percent alive.
"Hi," I breathed, wrapping him in a warm hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we stood there happily for a moment, happy in each other's presence.

We broke apart and stared deep into each other's eyes. Sapnap leaned forward slightly, wordlessly asking for consent. I closed the distance between us, connecting our lips.

The kiss only lasted a second but it was still perfect. Every kiss I shared with Sapnap was perfect.

Sapnap then lead me over to the couch where he'd been sitting before I entered. Before I sat down, I turned to his mom.
"Thank you so much for letting me stay here Mrs Castellan, it really means a lot to me, and er I hope I haven't caused any trouble between you and Sap," I said, looking at the floor as I said the last bit. His mom just laughed softly, making me look up.

"It's no problem Karl, and don't worry Sapnap and I have talked things out, you've done nothing wrong. And please, call me Emily," She gave me a big smile which I returned gratefully. Then she turned to Sapnap and raised her eyebrow at him, a playful smirk on her face.

"So Sapnap? Is the reason you told me to not call you 'Sap' because that's Karl's nickname for you?" Sapnap turned a deep shade of red and hid his face in his hands. My heart warmed along with my cheeks. Had he really told his mom that?

I sat down on the couch next to Sapnap, my stomach full of butterflies. Sapnap looked up from his hands, his face still burning red. He then pulled me into his arms so I was practically lying on top of him. I was about to protest but he intertwined his fingers with mine and I was so filled with love that I wanted to stay there forever, safe in his arms.

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