6 - I need him

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A/N -
I just wanted to say thank you so much for 30 reads! It means so much to me :)

TW - swearing, disobeying Quackity lol


I knew two things for sure. 1, I had definitely fucked up. 2, I needed to talk to Karl. At first, I thought talking to Karl would be easy, turns out when Quackity set his mind to something there was no stopping him. Every time I got within 10 feet of Karl, Quackity, Dream and George would gather around him like bodyguards and send me death glares until I left.

I spent my entire first day of classes trying to come up with a way to talk to Karl without getting blocked by his guards. By lunch I'd practically given up, on talking to him and on passing any of my dumb classes. I hadn't taken in a single word said by any of the teachers today, how could I, when there was someone so much more important haunting my thoughts?

I'd been sat in the back of the history classroom for almost an hour, staring at Karl who was on the other side of the room, chatting animatedly to a guy with a deep voice and dark hair. When the bell rang to signify lunch I was the first out of the door, I halfheartedly tried to catch Karl's eye as I passed but he was busy talking to the creepy guy.

When I reached the cafeteria, I stared around, not knowing where to sit. Different groups were gathered at the fifty or so round tables scattered throughout the room. I scanned the room, looking for a group that I might fit with, my eyes immediately drifted to a table in the far corner of the room where Karl, Quackity, Dream and George were sitting, all of them laughing at something. I felt a twinge of sadness as Karl looked up and our eyes connected before he quickly averted his gaze.

I turned away, about to leave the cafeteria but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Wilbur towering over me, a tray of food in his hands.
"Can I help you?" I asked through gritted teeth, I really wanted to punch anyone who was involved in stopping me from talking to Karl and that included Wilbur. He ignored my rude tone and gave me a serious look.

"Listen Sapnap, I know you didn't mean to do what you did, Karl explained to me and I know that you want and need to talk to him. Karl wants to talk to you too, Quackity is just being overprotective, Karl had a bad experience in a relationship a couple years back and ever since then Quackity has been protective of him," Wilbur said in his serious British accent.

It hurt me to hear that that had happened to my Karl. Wait, my Karl? No he's not my Karl. He's just Karl. What I meant was, my friend Karl, not my Karl. "I can tell that Karl cares a lot about you," Wilbur continued, "So this afternoon, Karl is supposed to be spending a few hours with me at the nearest town but if you meet us there, I'll leave you be and cover for you with Quackity," His words sparked hope inside of me.

I was going to see Karl!

Wilbur and I agreed upon a time and place and I thanked him. Then I went up to the office to get a car ticket. Yes, a car ticket. The school had a transport system that would take students to the nearest town which was a forty minute drive away, but you had to have a student ticket which also had money on it so you could buy stuff in town.

After I got my ticket and set up my student money system, I would start out with $50 and if I chose to get a job at the school I would get paid into my students bank account, I walked back to the dorm. Karl was still staying with Dream and George but hopefully after today, that would change.

✨Time Skip✨

The school car dropped me off on the edge of a small, busy village that was nestled into the side of a small mountain. It looked like something out of Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter, it was hard to believe I was still in America. After listening to the driver list all of the rules that I had to follow, I jumped out of the car, glad to finally be free of the school even though it had only been a few days.

Wilbur and I had agreed to meet at a small cafe called 'Eret's Kingdom' so that was where I headed. I was still wearing my school uniform, a white button up shirt, dark blue sweater vest, knee length dark blue shorts, knee high dark blue socks and black shoes. Disgusting, I know. People gave me weird looks as I passed, clearly they all were aware that I was from the 'delinquent school' at least thats what most of them muttered as I walked by.

The cafe was only a few minutes walk from where I'd been dropped off and I soon stopped in front of a small corner shop decorated with different pride flags and inspirational posters. A massive sign above me said 'Eret's Kingdom' with a neon light up crown next to it. It was by far the most vibrant and exciting shop in the whole town and a lot of passers by gave it a dirty look and a couple even blocked their children's view of it. Homophobes, I thought, giving them a glare before stepping inside.

The inside of the shop was much calmer and just as colourful as the outside. Each table had a different flag for it's table cloth and the warm lights gave the room a happy and cosy feel. At the counter there was a tall person wearing a strawberry dress, black heeled boots, a bisexual flag cape and a crown, he spoke in a deep, velvety British accent that was extremely comforting.

I gave the person, who I assumed was Eret, a smile and began to look around for a table whilst I waited for Wilbur and Karl. It turned out I didn't need to wait however as I spotted Karl sitting by himself at a table with a pansexual flag table cloth. Wilbur seemed to have already left so that he didn't have to be here for what was bound to be an awkward greeting.

I slowly made my way over to Karl, expecting him to act coldly towards me. Instead, when I reached him, he looked up, a beautiful smile plastering his face. Maybe there was hope after all.

Word count - 1114

A/N -
This chapter was more of a filler to prepare for the next part :)
Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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