19 - I would die for him

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TW - swearing, arson, trapped in fire


It had been three days. Three days and Karl was ready to talk. For the first time in a month I could see a light of hope at the end of the dark tunnel.

I could barely focus in class, I was too excited to get back to the dorm and see Karl.

Since the Marcus incident three good things had happened.
1. Marcus got expelled.
2. Karl wasn't avoiding me anymore
3. My grades were going back up

Maybe, just maybe it was all going to be okay.

The bell rang at the end of the day and I practically sprinted out of the classroom. Out in the hallway everyone was running in the opposite direction and the fire alarm was going off but I payed no attention to it as the fire alarm had become a regular sound for me. I kept running towards the parking lot but just as I reached the door I collided with someone.


He was grinning manically and he had a slightly crazy glint in his eye.
"You good?" I asked, my eyes wandering down to the beer bottle in his left hand and the lighter in his right.
"Oh yeah, I'm great. I just figured out why you like arson so much Fire Boy. It's the best way to get revenge," He chuckled darkly and I suddenly realised that the lighter he was holding was my signature, flame patterned one, the one that had been in my room in my dorm.

Something was wrong.

"What the fuck did you do Schlatt?" I asked, suddenly becoming aware that everyone was running in any and every direction except the dorms. he gave me a crazed smile and put his arm on my shoulder.

"I helped us both out my friend. You and I we both have ex boyfriends that broke up with us. Now that doesn't settle well with me. I wanted revenge. Now let's just say that they both arrived at their dorm, both having received a note saying you were in peril and were met by me, a lot of gasoline and this lovely lighter here," He pressed my lighter into my hand and walked away, laughing.


Karl and Quackity were in trouble.

I immediately started running towards the dorm. I got outside of the main building and I could already see copious amounts of smoke drifting into the clear blue sky. I reached the dorm block and was met by a bunch of teachers, most of them on the phone to different fire brigades. I pushed past them, focused on the burning building. Our dorm was on fire and Karl and Quackity were inside.

Mr Minecraft grabbed my wrist,
"Sapnap, what are you doing? There's a fucking fire mate!" He cried, trying to yank me away. I just shook him off and continued running.

Ignoring all the teacher's protests, I sprinted into the fire, my mind focused on Karl and Quackity.

I found them in my room. Quackity was curled up in a corner, an unconscious Karl in his arms. I rushed over to them and Quackity's eyes widened. I gently pulled Karl out of his arms and helped him to his feet.
"Run, I'll get Karl," I yelled over the roaring flames. Quackity nodded and ran through a semi clear pathway that wasn't covered in burning flames.

Once he was out of sight I focused on Karl. I pulled him into my arms, careful to make sure that no flames touched him. By now the entire building was completely engulfed in raging, white hot, unforgiving fire. I had to move slowly through the rooms so that Karl didn't get hurt, I tried desperately to find a safe way out.

I managed to cover Karl's mouth and nose with a piece of fabric that I ripped off of my shirt so that he inhaled less smoke, my priority was making sure he was okay.

I made it to the exit, holding Karl in my arms. I could feel the smoke starting to get to me as the fire got bigger. The door was already open, I could see daylight.

I thought we were safe.

Then the roof caved in.

I heard it before I saw it. There were two more floors of dorms above ours so I heard the roof crash down above us, I knew I only had a second before It reached us. I didn't have time to think, I reacted on impulse.

I dived, practically throwing Karl out of the door and onto the grass outside. Then I ran, I sprinted back to my room just as the entire roof came crashing down on the kitchen.

I searched desperately for somewhere not on fire and my eyes landed on my closet which I'd fireproofed so I could hide all of my arson supplies in it. I flung the door open and shoved everything out of the way so I could sit in the bottom of it.

I managed to close the door behind me just as more of the building collapsed.

I slid to the ground, starting to cough.

I could feel the smoke in my lungs.

But I didn't care.

Karl was safe. Karl was alive. I'd gotten him out on time.

I was safe from the flames in this closet. But I wasn't safe from the smoke.

It's tendrils crept through the gaps in the door, making their way into my lungs, causing me to cough more.

I opened the door of the closet slightly, trying to see if there was any breathable air left in the room.

There wasn't.

I was trapped.

I tried to close the closet door again but it got caught on some of the debris from the fallen ceiling.

I couldn't close myself into the closet, I was exposed to the flame. This was not good.

But I had to hold on.

I had to keep going, for Karl.

There was hope for us, I couldn't just let that go!

When you love someone more than your own life, you will do anything to make them happy, you would even run into a burning building just to make sure that they were safe and okay.

And that's exactly what I did.

I was now lying, curled up, at the bottom of the closet, slowly inching closer to death, exposed to deadly flames, but content because I knew Karl was okay.

I let myself slip into a possibly deadly unconsciousness, thinking of a flower field where there was no fire, no pain, only Karl and the love I felt for him.

Word count - 1104

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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