12 - I love him more than anything (Karl POV)

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TW - swearing, fluff


Things with my parents were not good. They took me out for the day yesterday. It was shit. The whole time they were trying to like persuade me to be straight. Like yeah, suuuuure, cause a dumb debate is gonna make me break up with Sapnap. Nimrods.

The second I got home Sapnap could tell that I was upset. He pulled me into a deep hug, stroking my hair and whispering loving words in my ear. God I loved him so much.

We spent the afternoon with George, Dream and Quackity, I wasn't proud of what we did, but it was fun. That's right, we binge watched Riverdale. By the end of it, we were all participating in extravagant role play, all of us acting out the most dramatic scenes.

Then at 10:00pm, an alarm went off on Sapnap's phone. 'Sweater Weather' started blasting out of the phone's speaker and all five of us jumped in surprise. We'd just been in the middle of acting out a death scene. Quackity was the first to react, he leaped at Sapnap, a wide smile plastered across his face.

"It's time! It's time! Hurry up!" He yelled, pushing Sapnap towards me. Dream then pulled me up from the floor, where I'd been pretending to be a dead body, and whispered in my ear,
"Have fun," I turned to him, confused. Have fun where? What was happening?

Sapnap took my hand and lead me to the door, a deep blush coating his cheeks. Quackity let out a fake sob, clinging onto George for support.
"Look at my baby, all grown up," He sniffled, pretending to wipe his eyes.
"I know, I know. Take care of him Sapnap," George joined in, sobbing and leaning on Quackity. Sapnap rolled his eyes and opened the door. I giggled and followed him into his room.

He then lead me by the hand through the twisted hallways of my parent's house, getting lost a few times on the way to the door. We soon made it outside and I got a little more confused. It was the middle of the night, why the honk were we outside?

We made our way around the back of the house.

I caught sight of the orchard and gasped in wonder. Every single tree was decorated with shimmering fairy lights, a trail of purple lights paved a walkway through the maze of apple trees. (Btw, I thank my best friend DeepFriedFury for that sentence, I would've made a fool of myself without Fury lol) Sapnap led me along the purple pathway, carefully watching my reaction. I was completely awestruck as we arrived at a clearing which was lit with candles and had a picnic laid out on the ground.

The picnic consisted of cans of monster, a wide variety of sandwiches, a huge chocolate cake and a few boxes of strawberries. I let out a joyous laugh as I pulled Sapnap onto the picnic blanket, still admiring the decorations. He'd clearly put a lot of effort into this and it completely melted my heart.

"Sapnap this is incredible," I breathed, taking the jam sandwich he offered me and biting into it. It was delicious. Sapnap grinned at me and took a bite of his own sandwich.
"Well, I did it for my incredible boyfriend so it had to be perfect," He said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. I planted a soft kiss on his cheek and opened a can of monster.
"You're perfect," I giggled, taking a sip and staring around once again. It really was amazing.

We finished eating and drinking, the whole time we either sat in comfortable silence or we were giggling uncontrollably, both were perfect. When we were both finished, Sapnap got to his feet and offered me his hand, which I took. He pulled out his phone, opened Spotify and pressed play. The song 'Line without a hook' began to echo around the empty orchard. (The use of this song is dedicated to my best friend/fiancé Fury, love youuuu <3 ) Sapnap wrapped his arms around my waist and in return I wrapped mine around his neck.

I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me, when we're alone, you can hold my hand, if no one's home,

We swayed gently on the spot, staring deep into each other's eyes, our gazes full of love and adoration. At the same time we both leant in for a kiss. Our lips connected and sparks flew once again. I felt my heart overflow with love for Sapnap as he deepened the kiss, pulling me oven closer and tangling one of his hands in my hair.

All my emotions feel like explosions when you are around,

I ran my fingers through his hair as we both continued to sway to the music as the kiss deepened even further.

Oh, baby I am a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here to stay,

After a while we both had to pull away for air but our eyes never left each other's.

Oh, and if I could take it all back, I swear that I would pull you from the tide

"I love you," I whispered, cupping his face in my hand and running my thumb gently along his jaw line. He gave me a soft smile,
"I love you too," His hand intertwined with mine once more as our foreheads pressed together, both of us still catching our breath. The music continued in the background and after a moment we found ourselves dancing once more.

✨Time Skip✨

"Thank you for this perfect date Sap," I said as we walked back up to the house, our fingers intertwined and our arms swaying softly back and forth. I turned to him and planted a kiss on his cheek, making him blush profusely.
"It was my pleasure, I'd do anything for you," He replied, blushing even harder. I let out a gentle laugh as butterflies erupted in my stomach.
"Same," I told him, squeezing his hand.

We reached the doorstep and I was surprised to see a light on in the front room. It was 1:00 am, who was up and in the downstairs living room? I knew it couldn't be Dream, George and Quackity, they'd agreed to stay upstairs to avoid a run-in with my parents.

Sapnap seemed to notice my unease as we opened the door and stepped inside. He shuffled closer to me, giving me reassurance. We made our way to the foot of the stairs.

That's when someone spoke.

"Karl, this has gone too far. I have to step in,"

I whipped around, clinging onto Sapnap's arm.

My parents stood in the doorway.

They looked mad.


Word count - 1126

A/N -

I have something big planned for the next chapter
*evil laugh*

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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