10 - I love you

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A/N -
What the honk!? Thank you so much for 100 reads!
You're all amazing! <3

TW - swearing, fluff


Karl stopped abruptly, staring at into the crowd of parents waiting at the airport. Unlike normal airports, no one here seemed happy to see their parents, most kids had been sent to the school unwillingly by their parents. I squeezed Karl's hand reassuringly as I followed his gaze towards two people standing a little apart from the crowd.

There was a tall man with sharp features, thinning blonde hair and brown eyes that were almost exactly the same as Karl's, they just lacked Karl's happy, kind sparkle. The woman next to him was shorter and her eyes were blue, her short brown hair was similar to Karl's but it looked wiry and not soft at all.

Karl sucked in a nervous breath beside me and I turned to him. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Hey, look at me Karl," I said, gently bringing his face towards mine and cupping it in my hand. "It's gonna be okay, we're all here for you and I'm not leaving your side okay," I pulled him into a hug and he started to sob into my shoulder.

"Karl, love, talk to me, what's wrong?" I was starting to get worried, he's seemed fine this morning, I'd noticed his nerves slowly start to pick up but now he was crying into my shoulder and I didn't know why. It hurt me to see him in pain, my favourite person on the planet was sad and I hated it.

Karl looked up at me and wiped the tears out of his eyes.
"I'm scared Sap," He whispered,
"Okay, just take your time, tell me when you're ready," I said, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Karl gave me a weak smile.

"I... I just, I'm scared that my parents are gonna make you want to not be my boyfriend anymore. I'm scared they'll try and turn you against me," He spoke quietly but I caught every word. Anger boiled inside of me as Karl nestled his head into the crook of my neck and continued to cry.

At that moment I despised Karls parents.

"Karl, listen to me, I'm not going anywhere. Your parents can say whatever the fuck they want, I'm not leaving you. I could never leave you, Karl I-" I paused, I knew what I wanted to say but I didn't want to scare Karl by moving too fast. I thought for split second and then decided 'fuck it' and said the five words that had been on the tip of my tongue for a month.

"I love you Karl Jacobs,"

Karl's head snapped up from my shoulder. He stared deep into my eyes, trying to figure out if I was lying. Immediately I knew I'd ruined everything. At least I thought I'd ruined everything. I expected Karl to yell at me, or break up with me, or tell me I was moving too fast. What I didn't expect however was for him to smile brightly, his face lighting up with joy and I definitely didn't expect him to say,

"I love you too Sapnap,"

Almost immediately our lips connected. The kiss was different to every other kiss we'd shared, it was full of love and passion, we were both letting out the feelings we'd been too scared to confess and it was perfect.

When we pulled apart, both of our cheeks were coated in a deep blush. My eyes didn't leave his and we just stood there, lost in the perfect, love-filled moment.

"Guys! I know you're in love but I want McDonalds!" Quackity yelled from behind us as him, Dream and George approached us with everyone's luggage. I blushed even harder and intertwined my fingers with Karl's. When the three of them reached us, Dream turned to face George, a smug grin plastered across his face.

"C'mon Georgie, hand it over," He said. George rolled his eyes and pulled out a $20 note and handed it to his boyfriend.
"You were betting on us?!" Karl cried, snatching his suitcase from George. The two of them laughed and nodded.

Before Karl could get angrier, Quackity cut in.
"Should we get going then?" He asked, handing me my suitcase. Karl immediately tensed up but he nodded. I moved a little closer to him as we made our way over to his parents who hadn't noticed us yet.

✨Time Skip✨

The car ride was awkward. Karl's parents had a seven seater car so there was enough room for all of us. Mr and Mrs Jacobs sat in the front. Karl, Quackity and I sat in the regular back seat, Karl in the middle, me on the left and Quackity on the right. Dream and George sat in the very back, there were two seats but Dream insisted on George sitting on his lap which clearly annoyed Karl's parents which made all five of us happy.

Mr and Mrs Jacobs didn't try and spark any conversation with us. They both looked like they were saving the talking until we got to the dinner table. My guess was that they didn't want one of us to explode in anger and crash the car. If I was being honest it would most likely be me that crashed the car.

The car ride to Karl's house took about half an hour and I was surprised at how close he lived to my town. When we got there I gasped. Karl's parents were rich. Their house was a large white mansion with fancy golden trim. They owned a huge plot of land and I saw an orchard behind the house which would be a perfect place to take Karl for a romantic picnic.

They lead us inside and my mouth fell open. Holy shit they were really fucking fancy. Karl looked slightly embarrassed when he saw my expression so I quickly shut my mouth, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. We were shown to our bedrooms, all five of them led into a conjoint living room which had a large tv, an armchair, a couch and a small coffee table.

We spent the few hours until dinner watching 'High School Musical'. Quackity took the armchair, Dream and George were curled up in each other's arms at one end of the couch whilst Karl and I did the same on the other end. By the end of the film, all five of us were singing our hearts out to 'Breaking Free'. It was perfect.

Then we were called downstairs for dinner.

This should be fun.

Word count - 1090

A/N -
Thank you again for 100 reads!

This chapter and the next two are gonna be sort of like the calm before the storm.
Yes something bad is coming *insert evil laugh*

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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