21 - I won't let them pull the plug (Karl POV)

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TW - swearing, hospital, mentions of pulling out life support


It had been almost a week since the fire. I hadn't left Sapnap's side once. I felt disgusting, not having showered or practically moved in days. I now knew all of his doctors by name, seeing as I was constantly in the room and refused to leave no matter what. My own doctor even had to do my medical check ups in Sapnap's room. They ended up bringing in a spare bed for me so that I could heal whilst staying with the boy I loved.

Sapnaps mom was due to show up any minute. She'd managed to get a temporary break in the restraining order that was forcefully filed as part of the agreement when Sapnap was sent to our school. I was waiting impatiently for her to arrive because I knew the doctors were holding back some information until she got there.

At around lunch time the door to the hospital room burst open to reveal a short woman with jet black hair and dark eyes that closely resembled Sapnap's. This was clearly his mom. She rushed forwards to her son, tears streaming down her face. I gently let go of Sapnap's hand and pretended to be very interesting in my fingernails so I could give the two a moment.

I noticed how chipped my nail polish was and made a mental reminder to re-paint them, I also made a mental note to paint them with fire colours for Sapnap.

After Sapnap's mom pulled away from hugging him she turned to me. She took a moment to fully take me in and I could practically see the cogs turning in her head as she tried to figure out what was going on between me and her son.

I still couldn't speak yet, I could only make small noises that hurt my throat, so I picked up my pen and paper and scribbled a note to her,
I'm Karl Jacobs, I can't talk because my throat is damaged :(
Nice to meet you Sapnap's mom :)

She smiled as she read the note and then she looked back to me,
"Nice to meet you too Karl, and please call me Emily," She said warmly, walking over to my bed. I smiled softly and nodded. She was about to speak again, probably to ask me what my relationship with Sapnap was, but a doctor walked into the room. She had a clipboard in her hands and her expression was serious.

"Good morning Mrs Castellan, I'm Dr Hannah Rose, nice to meet you, I've been looking after your son," She held out her hand for Emily to shake. I watched the two interact, my brain working at a million miles an hour, I'd spoken to Dr Rose every day this week and she was usually much more cheerful. Something was definitely wrong.

I fiddled with the hem of my pyjamas, impatiently waiting to hear what Dr Rose had to say. Eventually she sat down in a visitor's chair, signalling for Emily to do the same.
"Now, as you know your son has suffered immense smoke inhalation and a small burn on his left arm. He also has a few other injuries listed here," She handed Emily the clipboard,

"And since your son was admitted to the hospital, he hasn't shown any signs of waking up. We do currently have him on life support but his chances of survival are lessening by the hour," Emily looked up, she seemed to know what was coming, so did I.

"Look Mrs Castellan, there's no easy way to say this, since you are Sapnap's legal guardian, it's up to you wether or not we keep trying or we pull the plug on his life support, don't worry you don't have to choose now, but maybe by the end of tomorrow if you can," Then Dr Rose stood up and left.

They wanted to pull out his life support? No! I couldn't let that happen! Sapnap was going to live, he couldn't die! I wouldn't accept it.

Emily turned to me, both of us were crying. I wordlessly opened up my arms, inviting her into a hug, she rushed over and embraced me. We sat there, hugging and crying, both of us knowing what must happen, both of wanting it to be different.

It took an hour for Emily to make her decision.

I hated it.

I watched as she called the doctor, I didn't know what she was going to say. All I knew was that she seemed to have blocked out her emotions and thought about what she thought was best for Sapnap.

Dr Rose walked into the room, she looked solemn.
"Have you made your decision?" She asked, sitting opposite Emily who nodded gravely.
"My son is suffering in limbo right now, as his mom I need to end his misery, it hurts me so much but he will be in a better place,"


She couldn't.

She couldn't pull the plug.

She couldn't just give up on Sapnap!

I leaped out of bed and walked over to the plug to the life support. I sat defiantly in front of it, literally guarding Sapnap's life.

"What are you doing Karl?" Emily asked through her tears, her eyes widening.

"I won't let you pull this plug," I managed to say it, even though each word was like burning claws ripping at my throat, I managed to talk. Dr Rose stood up and walked over to me,
"Karl, sweetie, I know he's your friend and you'll miss him but there is hardly any chance of him surviving now and it's not up to you, it's up to his mom," She whispered, clearly frustrated with me. I just glared at her.

"No," I said, reaching up and taking Sapnap's hand. "You aren't taking him away, I won't let you, I love him," I pushed through the agony I was in and continued speaking, "I love Sapnap more than anything and even if his chance of survival is 0.0000001 percent, I will guard this plug with my fucking life,"

Emily was sobbing into her hands, clearly upset by the scene I was making but right then I didn't care, I couldn't care, I was entirely focused on Sapnap.

"Karl, step away from the plug before I call security," Dr Rose said through gritted teeth, trying to pull me away.

"Fuck you," I growled, standing my ground. At this point, Dr Rose was beyond angry. She called in security, giving me an annoyed glare whilst apologising profusely to Sapnap's mom.

When security arrived they all looked at me sympathetically, until I said,
"Go fuck yourselves you heartless monsters,"

Then they pulled me away, it took three of them to get me to move from my spot on the floor. As they pulled me from my seat on the ground I broke out of their grip for a moment. I ran to Sapnap and hugged him desperately, crying loudly.

I gently pressed a kiss to his forehead and whispered,
"I love you Sapnap, I fell into the fire of love, Sap you caught me in your fire. I promised myself I wouldn't, but I did and I don't regret anything. I love you and I always will," For a moment I imagined that he moved slightly, that he shifted slightly in his dreamless sleep, that he heard my final goodbye.

Then I was pulled away.

And he was gone.

Sapnap was gone.

Word count - 1247

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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