Final A/N

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So this is the end of the story!

Thank you so so much for reading!

I appreciate it more than you know :)

I'm going to miss this story, I had so much fun writing it!

But never fear! I will be writing more stories set in the same world as this one, about some of the other characters.

Here are the two ideas I'm definitely going to be writing, please let me know which one you want to read first :)

The Bench in The Courtyard - Bench Trio
Tommy stole from and started a fight in a record shop.

Tubbo messed with homemade mini-nukes.

Ranboo doesn't remember what he did, but it was bad.

Three boys all end up at the same school for troubled teens. They all feel alone. That is until Ranboo loses a page of his diary on a bench in the school's courtyard and Tommy and Tubbo write back...

Three troubled teens that just want to have fun, what could go wrong?

To the End of Time - DNF
Dream has been going to a school for troubled teens since it opened, he never actually did anything wrong, he only goes there because his mom's the principal.

George used to be Dream's best friend until Dream moved away.

Then George started stealing. It wasn't long before he got shipped off to the school for troubled teens where he was reunited with Dream.

There's only one problem... they now hate each other.

So when they become roommates they both hate it... at first. They hardly talk to each other, until they both lose a bet at a party, they have to pull a prank on a teacher. That prank leads to more pranks and more stupid ideas.

How far will the two take it and are they willing to follow each other, to the end of time?

Once again, thank you so much for reading!

Love you guys <3


- TeaCake :)

Caught In The Fire - KarlnapWhere stories live. Discover now